They will soon have the second highest amount of active cases in the world
Why is the UK handling corona so badly?
How come China is doing so well?
they should learn from us
Didn't respond in a timely fashion. the silver lining is that we can sit back and watch the US and UK drop like flies. These are good times.
The faster, harder and more total your lockdowns/quarantines, the fewer people get infected and the fewer people die.
their entire country is people who look like this
what do you think happens when they get a virus that causes critical respiratory issues in unhealthy people?
the moment quarantine is lifted, shit hits the fan again
africa is doing best currently
We're all idiots, the lockdown is just taken as one giant holiday to people over here
I remember when the chinese goverment locked everybody in their homes. Yas Forumstards were crying too about muh personal freedom and stuff. Those extreme measures clearly worked
>believing chinese numbers
You are the same people
Economy comes first, just like US and Sweden
We got it later, it's peaking now.
You faggots are so deluded
Why are people so focused on the US, Sweden or UK and not Belgium?
We abandoned the herd strategy when it was based and redpilled in favour of the cucked lockdown strategy.
>the lockdown is just taken as one giant holiday to people over here
Aren't people in the UK fined for leaving their houses unnecessarily?
>belgian lifes matter!
said no one ever, not even belgians
Yeah Belgium's a weird one
Sweden won't ever get an infection again soon, they are about to hit herd immunity.
herd immunity innit
You can be, mad that it gets to that
The curve has already started dropping in Stockholm and other major that was hit hard. It's going way down now.
>15k cases
>herd immunity
Everyone that knows them knows they would handle this shit poorly. Keep in mind they have pretty strict government policies but that doesn't stop them
Does the total recovered statistic alarm anyone else? Going by the total numbers and length of time it's been ongoing plus the amount of cases goes up on average daily it seems as if some people aren't recovering at all if we go by the length the infection is supposed to last.
People focus on the cunts that went "lel just a flu bro", they basically invited scrutiny
everyone did that tho
some got fucked and stopped that, some are still in the process
15k confirmed with almost no testing. The hidden number is probably around 250k-300k.
there are meant to be bad side effects as well, many of the survivors have damage to their lungs
Yeah it's great. It means I don't have to work and more people die.
herd immunity would need over 9 millions cases in sweden, unless the definition of herd immunity got changed to adapt to whatever user think is right