Can you please stop calling us arabs? It's a tired joke and not funny anymore
Can you please stop calling us arabs? It's a tired joke and not funny anymore
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Who said it was a joke?
high iq
youre not french or german Marco
polentoni are not human
sure thing, arab
they are just jealous that we vote pd here
we are much darker than arabs
Hello my German friend, what is your favorite type of yogurt?
Sicilians are Arabs.
Is eating yogurt a german thing?
they are not even a bite close to arabs
Is it true that Sicilians and other terrones have turned this place brown?
I thought terrone make fun of North Italians for eating so much yogurt and diary.
They're close Turks and Cypriots. Keep up the cope Moor
Autism runs in the Italian genes
No they are not mongrelito de las americas
cope subh
I'm catalan and they call me moro too so fuck off negro veneto
Same, I'm alentejano and all my friends call me mouro
sure you are, sure
I sure am, yep
Are you short, brown with curly dark hair?
yes shit
Nice hair
My brothers, you and I are the same Marco
Why would someone go to continental snownigger part if they want to experience Italy when everyone knows that only central and south and islander parts make up true Italy?
Because they don't want to be murdered and raped by mafiosos and migrants?
Delusional paranoid firstie