What made Northern/Western European countries so successful?

What made Northern/Western European countries so successful?

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smoke weed to expand our minds

Protestant work ethic


Some med has bright eyes too

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War, go have war

basically geography

>What made Northern/Western European countries so successful?
viking genes

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this but it was prehistoric hunter gatherers doing shrooms and eating brains, for real.

lack of everything that made most other countries shit

Having access to the Atlantic.

Sucking africa's titties and pretending to be helping

Skinny twig not related

lots of gaysex

Geography. Everything else is a result of this.

Harsh enough winters that we needed to learn to work hard and build up capital. Not so harsh winters that we couldn't enjoy abundance and take risks too.

t. just learnt R vs K strategy.

>a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h = X
>uh, d must be the reason why

>eating brains
Wouldn't that give them prion disease like Kuru?
I think it was mainly their blue eyes and blond hair.

but northern yuros are r selected. they have rates of single motherhood unlike k-selected meds and asians.

Geography is the only thing you are given. Everything else has to come from somewhere. Where does technological growth come from? Where do good institutions come from? Where does trade come from? You cant ask the same question about geography, you are just given it. It is exogenous. All other factors are endogenous, they can be explained within the system.

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Random mutations help organisms to develop new phenotyps, antibioresistance, melanin rates etc. But if there are too many random mutations, the organism can face too many tumorous tissues and the immune system cannot react fast enough. We need arsenic as an oligo element for instance. Too much water can kill you. Paracelse said that everything is a matter of how much.

>Geography is the only thing you are give
you are retarded, no evidence for geography having any effect on development besides living in a desert.

amerindians lived in climate similar to europe and still were savages

Good geography gives you better genes

America had shit geography, like a massive fucking ocean separating them from the rest of the world

Actually there is plenty of evidence that it is the main determining factor and all other causes of development stem from having good geography. Take institutions, for instance. Good institutions like property rights depend on people actually valuing property rights in the first place. Otherwise people would not defend them. So people require some pre-existing level of wealth to demand property rights in the first place. Countries with bad geography didn't develop good institutions because their people were too poor.

>Good geography gives you better genes
no, genes are purely random, selection for intelligence is random.

>Actually there is plenty of evidence that it is the main determining factor and all other causes of development stem from having good geography.
prove it

Homogenity and pietism, a strong sense of community/nationalism.


>Geography is the only thing you are given. Everything else has to come from somewhere.
I don't understand that sentence, elaborate please.
>Where does technological growth come from?
Serendipity mainly.
>Where do good institutions come from?
Strong hierarchy and specialised individuals.
>Where does trade come from?
Smith needed stomachs for his oven ventilators. Farmer gave smith stomachs.
>You cant ask the same question about geography, you are just given it. It is exogenous. All other factors are endogenous, they can be explained within the system.
Again you shall elaborate. Everything is exogenous when you go further in the genealogy, it's the main principle of abiogenesis.

scandinavia ius a worse land in every regard to every other geography.

Centuries of warfare, needs for alternative trade routes and Humanism.

The Atlantic trade

And now that all of those things are hated, I wonder what will happen to euros

Scottish people are the only Northern Europeans to accomplish anything.

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Nordic, Cro-Magnon and Alpine genes.

>Strong hierarchy and specialised individuals.
What causes this? Where does it come from?
>Smith needed stomachs for his oven ventilators. Farmer gave smith stomachs.
Where do the goods you have to sell come from? What allows you to take part in trade more easily or with more difficulty? Where do the good institutions that allow trade to happen freely come from?
Scientists don't consider chance to be a satisfactory answer for anything. It's ignorance

Again you shall elaborate. Everything is exogenous when you go further in the genealogy, it's the main principle of abiogenesis.
Only geography is exogenous. Where does good geography come from? It just happens. Perhaps God made it this way?

They will see a resurgence desu, just look at what's happening in eastern europe. There's a growing identarian movement in western europe, particularly in France.

In your opinion. Explain why they are so developed then. Any explanation you give will always have the question attached to it: where did this come from?

>What causes this? Where does it come from?

what causes that someone is smarter, more active and innovative, the place he was born in or his genes?

Based protestants put all those natural gas under Norway.

>In your opinion. Explain why they are so developed then. Any explanation you give will always have the question attached to it: where did this come from?
genetics of higher intelligence just like china, japan etc..

Where do good genes come from? We are talking about nations not individuals. Without differing geographical conditions, every country would have identical genetics. But they don't. Why is that? Why is it that animals evolved to develop different characteristics in different parts of the world? Geography

isolation from mongols and arabs

Ok and where do these genetics of higher intelligence come from? They aren't random.

Sweden, Denmark and Iceland doesn't have that. Also, only Norway would do something like invest the money in a giant pension fund instead of letting American companies bleed us dry.

Attached: norge0brei.jpg (834x461, 43.58K)

>Ok and where do these genetics of higher intelligence come from? They aren't random.
from mutations of intelligence and the subsequent reproduction of the higher intelligence race.

Some mutations are more useful in different parts of the world. In many societies, intelligence may not be something which is rewarded due to socio economic conditions (ultimately caused by geography) and so the natural selection process may not necessarily select for intelligence.

>What causes this? Where does it come from?
An exhaustive answer is unfeasible I'm afraid. You're putting everything on thalassography like David Cosandey, if you didn't know him check his work, he shares your stance.
>Where do the goods you have to sell come from? What allows you to take part in trade more easily or with more difficulty? Where do the good institutions that allow trade to happen freely come from?
Hierarchy mechanisms can be described in wolves packs. Taiga wolves have different behaviours from romanian wolves, there is still a highly related mechanism. Taxons can divide from themselves in a similar environment, look at at the Pan troglodytes and Pan paniscus dichotomy.
>Scientists don't consider chance to be a satisfactory answer for anything. It's ignorance
Wrong. Famous exchange between Einstein and Bohr.
>Only geography is exogenous.
Where does good geography come from?
Discovery, conquest by specific behaviours coming from specific groups of a said genus,species or subdpecies.

>It just happens. Perhaps God made it this way?
I thought uncertainty/chance was out of question ?