Serious question: Why is africa such a shithole?

Serious question: Why is africa such a shithole?
What's the explanation for this?
I mean even fucking Syria use to have a nice culture and a civilization before everything went to shit.

Attached: 1200px-Africa_satellite_orthographic.jpg (1200x1348, 249.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_hunger_and_poverty

everything outside europe is not to euro standard,

Lack of infrastructure makes effective government nearly impossible in the modern day, back in the ancient world they never had the environmental pressures to turn to agriculture.

The big corporations and rich people are the ones maintaining them like that, not like africans could do anything by themselves, but they could be doing much better if the big corporations didn't socially segregate them from the world by making them the worst shitholes to live ever

They never had the necessity to feed millions, agriculture exists because in order to feed millions you need it

It doesn't matter the state of Africa

Our state HAS lived on
WILL live on
Forever triumphant

Diseases can't stop us
Slavery can't stop us
Sterilization can't stop us
We were built to survive and thrive

Is it syrians all over your media? is it syrians representing your nations on the olympic stages? no. Is it syrians white people jump to the defense for and represent all over their films and tv? from America to France to Britain no. We are forever.

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Colonialism... Inb4 meme answers like low IQ,etc


They're the youngest continent to enter capitalism (~1960) and when they did become independent, they did so with a lack of infrastructures and a poorly educated population. Kinds normal that they're not at the same level as everyone else...,_hunger_and_poverty


Will they be the first on the continent to become first world?

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Low IQ and globalism

Once you are on the ground you're not getting up

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>first world
>decent comfy cunts
maybe someday

>Extremely poor
>Extreme inequality
>Brain drain
>Poorly managed since the end of colonization
>Oppressed during colonization
>Shitty colonial borders lead to endless destabilizing civil wars between tribes

>>Shitty colonial borders lead to endless destabilizing civil wars between tribes
why not preach to them how diversity is good and that the solo and songo tribes should be brothers

If low IQ was an issue then Australia would be no different. The real answer is generations of continued European colonisation and American imperialism in the form of arming and funding coups in order to gain easier access to rich African resources.

>If low IQ was an issue then Australia would be no different. The real answer is generations of continued European colonisation and American imperialism in the form of arming and funding coups in order to gain easier access to rich African resources.
Aus does not have a low iq

>even fucking Syria use to have a nice culture and a civilization
mexican education everybody

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>"Walls" of Benin

Kind of hard to do when the Songo tribe is being provided weapons by CIA weapons smugglers and supported by western NGOs and international bodies that have declared the Solo tribe as a terrorist organisation.
Look up the history of the Rwanda genocide and how the US spent years providing protection, training and munitions for the "freedom fighters" who would go on to slaughter countless civilians of all ages and eventually take power and in the process removing a government that wasn't cooperating with American corporate interests.
The Rwanda genocide was a tragedy for many reasons, the worst of it which western mainstream media and knowledge outlets either skim over or outright refuse to touch on.
It's been the same story all throughout the sub continent.

Libya used to be first world until Nato

Yes we do. The average Australian is dumb as shit and the only reason why we aren't dropping like flies in this virus pandemic is luck, because only a small minority of people have the mental awareness to take even something as simple as social distancing seriously.

not an argument, but even then they were built in 200 years, the chinese great wall during 2000

Attached: Adal Somalis.png (658x868, 65.15K)

low IQ people are too based to understand such things

wtf am I looking at? computer generated city?

Google maps, the foundations of the walls are still visible from above. During the late medieval ages Benin was twice the size of Paris, the largest European city at the time.

Attached: Benin palace.jpg (640x739, 118.64K)

this has such a shit grammar I am 100% sure it is written by an african nigger,
it says that the benin walls are bigger than the chinese wall... which shows how braindead they are, even if that wall ever existed the map where it was supposedly located isn't even near the diameter of 10% of the chinese wall

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While I hate Australian culture, there isn't much of a case for Australians being dumb. You underestimate how stupid Africans can be.

Your writing and grammar tells me your a self hating nigger

Australia has a geography bonus in regards to Corona

Yep, I'm a retard, congrats, that makes niggers geniuses

too many retarded murderers