Are people in your country scared of the government?

In the US, the government is more scared of the people than people are of the government

How about in your country?

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>the government is scared of illiterate hillbilly yokels with shotguns they can just drone strike from 15,000 feet in the air

nice meme

Only Americans think that the government is some alien entity that occupies the country. This horizontal divide between the people and the government only exist in American political thought. Here you are either on the left or the right. If you on the right you think that government is a joke, but only because of the lazy leftist bureaucrats. If you are on the left you think Orbán has occupied the state and the state sucks because of this.

It's good to see all the brainwashing wasn't for nothing.

There are drug dealers in bekaa who are more armed than the army.
But they are good people, they fought Isis and they don't sell bad stuff, only weed(hashish) for Europeans, they say, Europe exports Isis to us and we export drug to them

The way I see it, the government is a corporation that deals with foreign affairs, maintaining internal peace, and enforcing american values(basically the constitution), in the same way coca-cola sells sodas or BP extracts refined and sells oil.

Taxes are the subscription fee for the peace and stability a government provides.

As a government employee, I can assure you, nobody wants to imprison and enslave you.
We are you. You are us.
get it?
Federal, state, county, city.
We're not bred in test tubes to lord over the common folk and such.
We ARE the common folk, you dumbass.
Just instead of walmart signing my checks, it's the president or the mayor or the board of supervisors for the county or the governor.
You know what happens when all the citizens are put in concentration camps and killed? The taxpayer is put in concentration camps and killed.
And the government has no money or anyone to govern.
Also, do you think I'm immune to the law?
If anything I'm held to a higher standard.
I get a DUI on friday and by monday the DMV notifies my dept. and I'm fired.

>just mentioned peace and the government in the same sentence.

uh oh. get ready for some idiot to get triggered.

God bless them

Let’s see them try. Weapons are only as useful as the people willing to use them and most people are pussies

>The US military lost against poorly equipped farmers hiding out in the middle of bumfuck guerrilla warfare style only its in Vietnam
>The US military would hands down win against poorly equipped farmers hiding out in the middle of bumfuck guerrilla warfare style only its in America

Whats it gonna be, because you cant have both

Then why is one of the most american sayings “those who trade freedom for security deserve neither”?

No people here are like children. The government could fuck them up the ass and there would be zero they could do. They already get monged by taxes.

>implying the military would even start bombing us cities because of civil unrest.

You know, /k/ is full of retarded autistic incels.
but there's also a good amount of former and active duty US military personnel on there and even some cops.
You should ask them if they're willing to carry out these types of things.
I've seen their responses time and time again and it's a giant NO.

They have a right, really a duty, to disobey unlawful orders.

>US military nowadays is the same as back then
>Scary foreign jungle vs. their backyards

The United States is probably the only first world nation where the people are more afraid of the government than vise versa

That’s what I meant though

Most military and police wouldn’t dare fire on the people

You would think the federal government is the fucking Khmer rouge, listening to some of these paranoid morons.

The government isn't afraid of larping boomers.

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I feel like France has a pretty cautious outlook on their government.

The government is on our side, that’s why

Good luck libshits

Why would you people even have such comical arguments to begin with

Well, like i wrote earlier.
They ARE the people.

Americans love to impotently pound their chest.

No, that's one of the reasons we don't have a lockdown here. The government can't enforce it.

Another dumb fantasy. Even if you think they wouldn't do go along with it, anyone can operate a drone and press button.

Were literally the only first world country that is willing to die for what we believe in

Name me other countries willing to DIE. Never mind KILL but die for it?

None. Because most people are selfish

Conspiracy theorists jerk it to dystopian nightmare scenarios.

I'll give you a pity (You). Learn to be more subtle.

>Americans unironically believe this

Yanks: "Our guns are for defending ourselves against a tyrranical government"
Also yanks: *Does nothing*

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Trump isn’t tyrannical to those who are armed

They don't have a problem torturing prisoners.

Perhaps we should push for more gun ownership among poor people, Hispanics, immigrants, and black people then.

Real tyrannical around here.
The government is literally, LITERALLY, begging us to stay indoors.
This was traffic on the way home from work, friday.

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Most of whom aren’t people who didn’t deserve it