How long does it take to learn japanese approximately?
How long does it take to learn japanese approximately?
not as long as the time you'll spend regretting it
Around 4800 anime episodes
Just read Manga, watch Anime, and eat Sushi, then you can earn Japanese language easily.
what the beautiful
her name please
Please don't become this.
>Nancy (낸시) is a Korean-American singer
You should learn Korean.
хoчeшь любoвь в япoнии?
2 animu series and 8 mangas
longer than you will have the will for
I have been studying for a year and half, and maybe, MAYBE, I would survive in Japan and communicate enought to buy a plane ticket for my country
She looks Korean
Took me about 15 minutes to learn Japanese biology
took me 4years to get my N1 but if I had my good method from the get go it would've been N2 in 1 year and N1 in 2 years
>good method
whats that?
are you gonna share your wizard secrets or am i gonna have to report you
So how's your speaking writing ability, my fellow N1 holder?
I hate that the N1/N2 are used as legitimate credentials even though they're entirely multiple choice and feature not a single bit of writing or speaking. I appreciate that hosting and marking writing and speaking exams would be a colossal pain in the arse but it seems so whacky that it's entirely based on comprehension when an integral part of language is being able to produce it yourself
>why yes, i learnt conversational japanese without studying past basic kanji
Speaking/Listening Japanese > Reading/Writing
All East Asian language test are like this.
Either they have no output at all (JLPT) or some minuscule "writing" section that can easily be prepared for without actually knowing the language as well as it should be (HSK, TOPIK).
grind visual novels (voiced is better), you use a hooker to grab the text that you paste somewhere and you use the add-on rikaikun that allows you to have the definition and pronunciation of the word where your mouse is placed. I also used takoboto because sometimes i had multiple pronunciations and I had to look for the correct one. before abusing this trick you have to learn basic grammar, I would recommend tae kim.
The VN on my screenshot is 装甲悪鬼村正 which is one of the hardest VN to read. I've spent nearly 500 hours on it but my level insanely improved to the point of being able to pass my N1.
Whites speak Japanese horribly but Russians are the worst
It’ll take your forever
I've never spoken once with a japanese person all of my life. But when you got a very solid grasp of spoken language (my highest score on the JLPT was unironically oral comprehension) then that is something that should come very naturally if I had to practice it. Well, since im an autist I also have much troubles communicating with other person in my mother tongue
oh shit I doxxed myself, well whatever
Knew a guy that tried for 18 years and Japanese said he talked "like a nice child" so Im guessing a long time
I think we took the test together.
how can you be so sure? :d
Russians are either extremely bad or good, no middle ground.
In general, I think Americans have the worst pronunciation, especially with intonation and "r-" sounds
so you read visual novels that you translated with a program over and over and that was it?
yeah because you slowly learn words and expressions that come over and over to the point of not having to look them up anymore. also japanese is comfy to read when you're good at kanjis because you don't even have to pronunce in your head what you're reading, the symbols in themselves are all you need for you to understand the meaning.
wow nice, i might try that then
>tried for 18 years
i think he is just retarded
also since you probably played a shit ton of visual novels what would be some good ones for beginners
one of the thing very convenient with VNs is that you're so caught up in the story that you're not annoyed by making the effort to continue reading. I remember doing insane binge session of reading especially with Muramasa for like 20hours in a row, pick up something that really interesting you and the learn becomes really easy
I did this but with porn vns