What's this cultural phenomenon called and where does it take place?

what's this cultural phenomenon called and where does it take place?

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God I hate black culture

In the video.

blacks ruin everything europeans create, fuck off.

I'm not even mad anymore. I've given up.

black """""culture"""""

Why do people just sit back and allow the niggification of everything?

thanks jews

lmao like clockwork

Make slavery legal again

This cultural phenomenon is called fucking up your culture for no apparent reason. Takes place exclusively in the USA

Doing all that on tiptoes is pretty impressive.

Fuck off back to containment, subhumans.

Most of what people think as classical ballet is a mid 20th century invention. Mixing things up is not a bad thing.

it's called destroying your feet while looking like a bamboo

Looks as fucking dumb as twerking
How wonderful

I've never been able to appreciate ballet and this doesn't make it any better.

Mixing things isn't the issue, it's the nog dances

fuck off zhang

i want to fuck sex sex sex

>bastardize Italian names
>bastardize Italian food
>bastardize Italian culture
>claim renaissance artists were black
>claim the Romans were black
why can't they just fuck off already or stick with ruining anglo shit instead?

just admit your peepee is hard and move on

Og sound btw

I think bring ballet elements into hip hop would be more aesthetically pleasing than bringing hip hop elements in ballet.

Does anyone have the video with sound? I want to listen to the music they're dancing too.

What they're doing in that video probably took more work and dedication than you've put into your entire life.


dont worry USA cultural influence all over the world becomes insignifficant everyday.

this looks good, you're just a mad 56% who can't do 5 push ups let alone twerk on toes

Blacks are not human. Jewish """science""" may have you believe so, but by just taking a closer inspection of the Negro, you will find many traits that make it obvious that he is no man, but a beast.
First, let's look at his physical appearance. His face resembles that of non-human simians—flat nose bridge, a rounded, extruding brow ridge and thick lips used for the clicking and clacking of their African language.
Second, let's review the all of the accomplishments Negroes have made in all fields:
Third, let's analyze his temperament and demeanor. Violent, aggressive, dumb, rude, lazy, primitive, and gullible.
These analyses confirm that Negroes are not human, but in fact, some sort of a failed ape species.

tfw no black ballerina gf

Ballet is gay this is gay. Nothing of value was lost.

that's a lot of unsubstantiated bullshit, just find something better to get mad it

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>black ballerinas
had no clue they even existed
all ballet is kinda fucked up though Tbh, really unhealthy for legs