>match with German chick on dating app
>looks like this
How common is this phenotype in your cunt?
Match with German chick on dating app
You mean ugly? Yeah ugly is a common phenotype pretty much everywhere.
She looks very german
Neigh, what I mean is, if averaged it out.
Is that eczema or wot? i get itchy just looking at it.
"Average" does not exist. Ugly is the average. Unpleasant looking people.
Is it the cheekbones? The soulless eyes? The horrible skin? The fact that she looks like she smells like onions and something else that you're not quite sure what it is but you've smelled it before? What am I missing here?
she's cute and you're humble bragging
Germans are a soulless people, but not as soulless as Americans.
no skin care and no makeup
Looks wog
Americans are everything-less.
Cultureless, soulless, etc.
>humble bragging
Nah, she ghosted me after I started tell her about Jews.
Hi, maria.
You're austistic as fuck.
Damn, forgot about this one.
You're quite right.
auschwitz called, they want their prisoner back
Still salty
>mom's OB's last name was literally Steinberg
>convinced my mom to circumcise me
>the thing slipped and took off part of my foreskin at a weird angle
>almost took my dick off
I guess you could say, that was when my eyes were first open to the Jewish question.
Only thing wrong here is her smile and maybe cheekbones
I'd date her. I don't really give a fuck about looks as long as she isn't fat pig.
She had that
>40 lbs overweight and most of it is her stomach
It's not Jewish, it's American.
Jewish influence is super strong in Europe and Russia too, you don't see that many circumcised men in Europe or Russia.
Seek not the boogeyman, it's YOUR people's fault if this is still a thing in the year of our Lord 2020.
german women consistently have foul smelling breath and are more into far-left stuff that girls here on average
like even some really liberal girl here you can occasionally get off some edgy jokes that aren't PC, German girls would flip out and get upset if you do it
Eh would probably still hit it.
>most of it is her stomach
I don't have a puke reaction pic, but imagine I just posted that.
>americans really believe that
Really? I thought Germans didn't like using garlic in their food?
whats wrong with her skin
I've met plenty of German girls
it's been consistently true
It's fallen out of favor in Europe for other reasons. It used to be fairly common in the UK and it's colonies for a brief period closer to the current age. You're half right though in the sense that the modern trend of circumcision started off as bullshit pushed by some WASP cunts (same ones that spread it in the UK and Australia for a brief period) but that was over a century ago, it was then solidified as "a good medical practice" instead of "do it so kids don't jerk off and go to hell" thing by a largely Jewish medical establishment.
When it's a cold winter, it's a cold winter, huh Finngolian?
people really don't care about your american politcal correctness shit, guess what, we also do nazi jokes
she looks like a girl that it's comfy to have actual good conversation with her but i'd never date euros
True. Slightly ugly girls put more effort into fucking anyways. They're cute. I've fucked a girl who was way out of my league and she just laid there like a dead fish. Not my thing.