Is 23 too old to move to another country?

Is 23 too old to move to another country?

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Which country are you moving to? I have to relocate to another country due to job reasons soon, and I'm just a few years older than you.


I haven't decided yet.

Somewhere with good opportunities for people my age I guess

why would it be too old?

Lmao worry not my friend. Once i finish my degree i will be +25, i will move asap to a first world country in order to shove my negro genetics into cutie girls

You are not anime

Yep, you're too old

Jap slants are not white cartoon/anime characters.

Anime Characters are Japanese you mangolian rape baby.

You're never too old to move out

nop my uncle moved to usa at 40

Definitely not.

What is this meme with the is 23 too old thing? Anyone care to explain in short?

Most anime characters look like white Disney characters with sharp features. You people look like Mulan

its the same poster spamming the all the boards

no opportunities in uk? wtf

>You people look like Mulan
Mulan is actually good looking, unlike them irl.

Most Anime Characters are Japanese.
Check your ugly deep set eye.

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Those trannies look better than the average jap women

All white women are ugly.
I fucking hate their ugly deep set eye manly feature.

Ah, some mental illness then. I hope he recovers.

Japs only look somewhat better coz you have 15% pseudo caucasian genes
you are still mongoloid, Hirohito

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Your blood is already invaded by the Mongolians.
and Mongoloid women are far more better than deep set eye Caucasoid.

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Nazi Japs kek

That's why double eyelid surgery is so popular in Asia? You are genetically slant eyed.

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and also brown
How many anime characters are brown? Kek
You hate your own phenotyp

Definitely not. I'm soon 36 and planning on moving to the US.

>That's why double eyelid surgery is so popular in Asia?
Because It's cute.
Statistically, 30% have double eyelids.

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Don't come to Finland at least. We have enough of you *nglo people here.

Post eye, Hirohito

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Really, where?

She is Chinese.
You first Mongolian.

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Why are you spamming the same thread on every board?

And? After plastic surgeries and make up all asian women end up looking the same.

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All white women look literally garbage.

yes, it's too late. you are doomed to stay in your ugly home in your ugly neighborhood for the rest of your life and you can't change that

Even she is better than average white women.

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Maybe yes because most circle/friendship is fixed at that age.
You should find close partner, or befriend with people who are 4 year younger than you, since people on that ages are still open to new people.
Protip: look for gf then she will introduce you her friends.
But if you just want to live alone, any age doesnt matter.

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Both are very ugly.

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I moved with 25. It went ok.

No, but it won't make you happy.

We are not slant.

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you can move to anywhere if you want

the real question is “but why?” and it gets harder to answer to this question little by little

fuck yeah

My parents moved to Florida recently and they're 50+ lad.

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Yes we only want teens