People always mock Germans for Turks but

People always mock Germans for Turks but.....

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Prove me wrong

In terms of size? Yes.


This is really not true at all. Just because they're Christian instead of Muslim doesn't make up for their shockingly large intelligence gap.

>turkey is green

Average Turk on the right. Average BLACK man on the left

Attached: 8C2D196F-7417-4116-B5BA-99119902EEC9.jpg (234x269, 29.87K)

Turk looks Italian

flag checks out

Racist mutts threatened by blacks as usual

Blacks in Europe are exponentially better than what you lot have.

But I saw many blacks in Stuttgart and Tuebingen.

Attached: nothing_personnel.jpg (399x400, 21.73K)

>Blacks in Europe are exponentially better than what you lot have.

Attached: 1584742490747.webm (640x360, 1.47M)

They have Barrack Obamer

Tourists maybe?

What the hell is he even holding? Doesn't look like a knoif to me.

bullshit, I've seen that trash called "british rap", they're sub-80 IQ much like the rest of your snaggletoothed mongoloid lower class

Where is this?
Why don't they have any weapons?

All our nignogs want to go to France

Generally it goes like

East Asians > Meds > Blacks

For desirable immigrants. East Asians are generally compatible with most Europeans on paper. Don't cause much crime etc. And are so strong cultured that most of them generally don't mix with the native population on a wide scale. The other 2 however tend to change nations demographically fairly quickly. A few decades ago Northern Italy used to be much lighter, now most of them look Sicilian due to all the waves of South Italians they got.

Most of the blacks in france are muslims from former colonies like senegal. There is also a low key race war goibg on between the blacks and arabs in France

Because Britain

The u.k probably

Then they better fuck off to France right now, they ruined my stay in Mailand and Florenz with their attempt at selling me selfie sticks

>East Asians > Meds > Blacks

North West Europeans, South west Europeans > East Asians, East Europeans >> South Asians >>>>>>>>>> Middle Easterns > Africans

all italians want to go to france

There was a great amount of them. But I suppose it is possible that it was the tourist season. I don't know when the tourist season comes in that part of Germany. Also, it is possible that, Tuebingen being a student city, it has many black foreign students on exchange. Or perhaps I mistook Arabs for blacks or something. These together could explain it. Because I was really shocked at the amount.

Yes, but the key difference is there are far fewer of them here %wise. Pakis, on the other hand...

Average White man is this he'd make that blackey get on his knees and beg to be his servant

Attached: i am.jpg (606x849, 73.65K)

Hm, I haven't been in Baden-Württemberg in a while, but I really can't imagine that many of them actually live there. Hamburg and Berlin have relatively many, that should already be the majority of the entire country. We definitely have fewer than 850,000 in the country overall. At least right now.

It seems ridiculous.
I heard that English policemen do not carry pistols, but why did they not at least recieve clubs or pepper spray or something? They could have subdued him very easily with that number of policemen if they had practically anything.

Right. Perhaps it was also me being unused to that sort of thing, and overestimating the number because of it.

Nah, i'm fine with East Europeans over South, they atleast won't change our population completely.

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Knoife is on the right hand. Don't know what's on the left but if it's not a weapon then that makes the cops even more pathetic.

>subsaharian african: 0.54%
>north-african: 1.07%

>subsaharian african: 0.5%
>north-african are included with other MENA (5%)

Probably burgers

Imagine you had gone to Berlin instead of Tübingen... You would have had a heart attack.

This. We mutts will gladly trade Europe back the shitalians they gave us for some czechs, poles or russians. Please and thanks

Attached: 1587165728896.webm (480x852, 2.81M)

But Yas Forums told me turks were black ?
Did they lied to me ?

lol this is pathetic

>The retard who made this map took the muslim percentage number and assumed they're all africans while at the same time ignoring all the christian africans

They don't unless a special unit gets called in. I wouldn't want the average police officer in the u.k armed anyways they are already a huge police state

>tfw you realize Turks started LARPing as black when they realized they will never be considered European and needed something to cope

Africans are better than Middle Easterners or North Africans. Don't know what you're talking
That's not true. There's a lot of Christians as well

A plastid bomb

>Most of the blacks in france are muslims from former colonies like senegal
Senegalese muslims are chill though

>low key race war
Lmao no.


I wish

I thought kara boga posting started on Yas Forums to piss of white nationalists

you're like 28, when are you going to off yourself?

Yep arabs are tried of getting cucked

no we're completely filled with inferiority complex against white europeans and needed to find a way to alleviate the massive psychological burdens of being an inferior cockroach

What's wrong with being 28?