
eagrán marbh

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first and last


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u dont even have possum in ireland y cunt u fucking cunt

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what media have you lads been consuming during this quarantine?
ive been reading books and playing shitty freeware computer games

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Do you think the lock down will be lifted on 5th? Seems a bit early

obviously not

when then

why are you asking me like id know
you asked yesterday as well you dunce

>what media have you lads been consuming during this quarantine?
Anime. Thankfully my motivation to watch it came back to me in recent weeks. Otherwise I'd have no idea what I'd be doing with my time. I was sort of burnt out on vidya.

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Of course not. And it won't all be lifted in one go either. The last of the restrictions won't be lifted until there's a vaccine.

what anime

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Asian girls>white girls>Latina girls>black girls

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In the past week. Read catcher in the rye (it's okay), started reading War and Peace (too long), started playing sims 4, got bored with that. Listening to a lot of old-timey singers, only thing I am watching is YouTube.

Lifting it completely and going back to normal is out of the question. I work in an office of 60+ people and was furloughed. If they think I'm going back there on the 5th like everything's normal without changes they can shag off.

I am confused, what are autism jeans?
Stone washed and baggy?


yeah, there's a picture of it dude

Kaguya and the Konosuba movie most recently.

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show me a timestamped photo of a possum right now you nerd i'll wait

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am i a faggot if i like cute things

What's wrong with "autism jeans"? Surely they're better than skinny jeans?

I cant venture more than 2km idiot, there's a lockdown


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i dont understand the appeal of youtube, what are you watching on it?

>2km to locate a fuckin possum
you cunt sack up and go outside if you have to venture further that 10 m out your fuckin garden to find a fuckin possum ur fuckin lying mate i'll fuckin heem ya

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what does it matter whether we have possums or not you dribbling autistic downy freak

Nowhere to get grass lads, garda are everywhere, too risky to go around. Im stuck with fags, das gay

is this defeat you cold dead fucking coward????

Good. Stoners BTFO!

hope all druggies kill themselves during this lockdown


Vote on weed NOW!

cute things are cute and posting cute things makes YOU cute

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mmmmm hold on now, i'm not sure do I want to be cute, that's dangerous