/balt/+/ausnz/ - šaltibarščiai edition

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Do you live in monarchy?

1st for anime

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>Should I call you mister?

Attached: [email protected] (933x707, 47.41K)

Yes, the Grand Duchy of Šaltibarščiai

Attached: bluedragons.jpg (708x400, 49.81K)

thumbs up honorary anglo

Is that the Australian national team of something?

how did you get this picture of my high school class?

tai mėlynieji drakonai, išmok skaityt moterie

Political supporters led by an NZ politician who spent a decade lecturing PLA members how to intercept foreign communications

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so have you watched the monogatari series yet user? or are you not the same eesti user

I'm the same user and no, I haven't. I'm watching Girls Last Tour atm

Watch me get 2 day holidays: NIGGER

only going to get a warning for that but if you called the N word that's a 3 day ban

Do any of our brothers eat this kind of dried cheese?

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is is a factory version of Jāņu siers?

Attached: gaisais-janu-siers_1081935266.png (770x477, 573.25K)

I don't think it's supposed to be dry ....

I just remembered I asked this question before, fuck me I'm just very excited about dry cheese

The dried and spiced version is usually sold as a beer snack.


Attached: sõir küüslaugu.jpg (612x800, 64.95K)

Not dry enough, needs to be translucent

Then who is gay?

my cock is erect again

Ok, I loved Tallinn and I think both others were mediocre. Rest of my family disagrees

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Wow! Are these new? What a copout using caramel twice tho

Riga and Vilnius look very sweet

>Are these new?
Sort of. First saw them this year.
>What a copout using caramel twice tho
Exactly. That is why Tallinn tasted better


I can already tell from the image that triple caramel is going to taste waaay too sweet

>Vilnius is black

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daily reminder

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Lithuania BIG

Ye, that would make Lithuania wider than Finland

I'm referring to Skinny Lithuania the continent

>Bилнo is nigger
>not Polska Kurwa vanilla

Riga is the best one. Fight me, shit taste plebs