The modern """turk"""

>the modern """turk"""

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yes, izmir, I believe you went from fapping to lolis to not fapping to lolis

why are people so obsessed with ancestry

>I live in a 100% han chinese society and i dont see why you care about ethnicity

Chinese ethnicity is a meme

Turks are rebellious Greeks, what's new?

your flag is memer than chinese ethnicity

oh no no no, here comes the chinese lapdogs

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Attached: Erdoğan-Bakış.jpg (1116x778, 102.5K)

Another full of shitposting thread.


Siktiğim eniği.

buy yourself a mirror first

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im turk n this was my screenshot from years ago lol
it was funny it was never meant to be used by Yas Forumstards


>proud turk lives in britain

What video did you get this from?

it's obviously a joke
is everyone itt autistic

i forget but i was looking at turkish dna test videos because i was interested

yes i am? is that an issue?

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Taiwan is not 100% Han, and Han is about as much of a cohesive ethnicity as ''Spanish'' or ''Arab''

Are you feeling better after the Hospital visit, BoJo?

They don't have personal achievements or a developed personality so they want to be defined by other people they have some connection to.

oh nononononono

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Attached: lge.png (728x759, 420.18K)

shut up chink

Somebody have that pic of Turkey trolling Greece at the border with a sign of some sort?

If I ever did an ancestry test I'll probably say something like part germanic part slavic rapebaby.

>turkish patriot
>lives anywhere but turkey
why is this always the case

Must be because he is not accepted by British society so he embraces his Turkishness even harder

>being so obsessed over your dna
Couldn't care less. Peasants, nobles, kings or slaves it doesn't matter at all for me. Those people whose dna I bear are long dead aside from my parents so why should I care?
If anything those bastards still owe me for choosing to live in a shithole and not moving somewhere nice.
Now it is up to me. Have to do everything myself as always.

Lack of experience creates a fantasy, same way that roaches in turkey fantasise about somewhere like England.

Are Singaporeans all bootlicker like you?