>I hear my upstairs neighbor yelling and hitting her son almost everyday
>swears at him even when they're outside
this kid is gonna kill his mother when he gets into his teens. have you ever heard your neighbor abusing someone?
I hear my upstairs neighbor yelling and hitting her son almost everyday
>this kid is gonna kill his mother
Nah. That's just *Nglo genetics. I was abused as a kid like that and I've never thought about killing my mother.
i thought parents beating up their children is normal
Every day pretty much
Domestic abuse is the norm here for families who are still "intact", which is also why divorces are so extremely common
I only knew like 3 people throughout my life (almost 30) who would have an intact family throughout their childhood
The majority of the time it's alcoholism related (yeah the stereotype is actually not a stereotype, it's the current state of affairs)
Lived in 2 houses with parents and rented 3 places afterwards throughout my life and in each one of them there was at least 1 "unstable" neighbor (family) who'd have either husband->wife abuse or dad->child abuse or mum->child abuse or even wife->husband abuse, which is much more annoying than the rest because the rest are just crying/sobbing noises + "people falling on the floor" noises + objects falling on the floor, whereas in wife->husband is always about that bitch screeching for hours on end
Hehe if only the soviet had done proper noise isolation
Is she hot?
Fuck her
wtf russia. why are your people such assholes?
Alcohol. Alcohol ruin lives.
Alcohol is a worse drug than coke or LSD
thank you for the informative answer, rusanon
this is my life and i'm almost 30
you get yelled at by your mother?
alcohol taste like shit and feeling of being drunk is annoying. why do people drink that shit?
children need displine.
Social conditioning, I think.
I don't see much people drinking alcohol alone
Call DCF
He will probably be one of us in a few years.
What's it like being spineless in current year?
yes. when i moved out of my parents house first i moved to a shitty apartment where there was a borderliner hoe living downstairs. she was a single mom and i could hear her brutally abusing the little 3 year old boy every day.
then i moved to a different apartment 6 months later and the same shit happened just this time the roastie was upstairs.
white women can not even be considered human unironically.
i have taken the azn qt pill since then
Another white loser who has an Asian fetish
>alcohol is worse than coke
Really debatable
>alcohol is worse than LSD
Lol pretty much every drug is worse than LSD what kind of comparison even is that
But yeah alcohol is absolute shit and I'd rather have it banned than most other recreational drugs
And the alcohol problem in Slavic countries really isn't a meme most people I know have a history alcoholism in their family (including me myself of course)
I heard my ex girlfirends mother having sex when we met at her place.
It was disgusting as she cooked food for us afterwards.
It's only normal in shithole countries, like ours
asian women are the real aryans you fucking retard neonazi, fuck off back to pol
"Abuse" is a confusing catchall term in English. Are you talking about slaps and arguments or violence and rape.
No, I don't live in a shithole.
>>have you ever heard your neighbor abusing someone?
>live in an apartment complex
>live between two other apartments
>walls are paper thin
>one of my neighbors is a psychotic Puerto Rican bitch who screams/fights everyday
>other is a black family
>we're on good terms, but they blast music and action movies all day
What the full do I do? Confronting them will only make it worse
don't get an Asian gf. think about you kid. Asian women and white men make ugly ass kids. get a latina gf. your kid will at least look European.
But germans and austrians beat their kids too
Hapa kids are normal if father is Asian......
WMAF children are mentally ill freaks, because he realize his father is white racist loser. and his mother is self hating reject. It is why WMAF have the highest rates of domestic violence. Whites hate asians but they fetish the exotic looks....
Kys race obsessed mutt