Germany is much bigger and more influential than the Netherlands...

Germany is much bigger and more influential than the Netherlands, yet I feel like they're our older brothers and much better than us.
>not autistic at all, actually extremely outgoing and communicative
>actually have a sense of humor, dutch banter is great
>very non-authoritarian, distinct live and let live attitude
>higher HDI than Germany
>dutch males are tall and handsome
>speak much better English because they don't dub movies/shows

Netherlands should annex/adopt us.

Attached: dutch love.png (520x390, 35.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:,6.6060617,3a,75y,103.66h,83.33t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1s4kgCwoW9UdL-erVTnnAtNA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i49

coronavirus has proven yet again that germans are superior to us so please stop praising us

Germany has overtaken the Netherlands in HDI a few years ago. This place is a stagnant shithole

Germany's just postponing the inevitable and our death rates will be through the roof before long and everyone will point and laugh at us.

>Germany has overtaken the Netherlands in HDI


Germany is #4, Niggerlands #10

The Dutch are better.

t. Wesley de Jong filling up his Volkswagen at a German gas station

Germans are bros though.

I'm Bavaryan, you stupid German immigrant in Netherlands. YOU HAVE TO GO BACK.

If Bavaria were an independent country it would make the Netherlands look like Africa by comparison

>If Bavaria were an independent country

Actually working on it as we speak

Attached: bavarian-empire.jpg (2000x1970, 869.05K)

>>dutch males are tall and handsome
Subhuman Bavarian detected, Dutchies are not taller than the average northern German
>>speak much better English because they don't dub movies/shows
How is that a good thing you cuck?

>copeposting in broad daylight without shame


Dutchies are based af but unfortunately their country is a soulless Industriegebiet without beautiful nature.


>Netherlands disintegrates due to a flu
>Rutte activates his €0.05 army


i would love to have 2 german wifes 1 trap 1 real female.

Attached: fdzj.jpg (382x288, 156.41K)

Groningen is a thing.

Attached: De_stedenmaagd_van_Groningen.jpg (779x903, 66.24K)

Excuse me but girls are icky, go for a Bavaryan twink instead.

Friesland is okay if u like lakes and watersport
Besides that its a few towns and endless argriculture in every direction with villages here and there

t. South Frisian

Attached: Friesland kaart.png (1500x1088, 1.25M)

Thanks i will remember that.

Attached: 450px-Flag_Groningen_city.svg.png (450x300, 1.23K)

You are a good man, little dutchbro

Are you for real? I am from Groningen, born in province and live in the city, and it's the bleakest looking of all provinces. As soon as you cross the border with Drenthe suddenly everything becomes a thousand times nicer.

Wait. you are not trying to invite me to find you are you?

Stad. LOL

Attached: finlandgron.png (800x1040, 43K)

If you are cute, you can always find me in Munich

Attached: Munich sunset.jpg (1024x715, 373.22K)

Yeah stad is nice but as a province it's complete garbage. Going through the Netherlands it always feels weird seeing where I grew up compared to pretty much anywhere else. Even Friesland is much nicer. For some reason Groningen is just grim

Go to the forests or the farmland you complete NEET.

What forests? Are you fucking retarded? Groningen has no forests. And I grew up surrounded by farms on all sides

Cute. but are you a vrigin?

Attached: 1586692736280.gif (1702x1384, 163.44K)

Duitsers are thinking of Denmark again.

I'm not, and I only top (15 cm, uncut).

I never think of Denmark. No one does.

Oh we do.,6.6060617,3a,75y,103.66h,83.33t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1s4kgCwoW9UdL-erVTnnAtNA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i49

Attached: Italie-in-Zuid-Limburg-Fromberg-800x445.jpg (800x445, 55.69K)