Why yes, I fucked over my nation big time and am fondly remembered for it

Why yes, I fucked over my nation big time and am fondly remembered for it.

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killed more chinks than you, muhammad

*unite and fucked
the unite part is fondly remembered
the fucked part is not

Actually responsible for that was deng xiaoping

>fondly remembered

Pretty sure current CCP are trying to erase his memory because he actually despised chink culture and wanted chinese to stop being so caste-oriented and supersititous. Current CCP pushes all those things as good parts of Han Culture.

Mao for instance would have banned bat soup.

It is absolutely mind boggling and kind of funny at the same time.

f off tankie

How far ahead would China be if not for him?

this guy gets it, traditional chinese culture is cancer full of pretentiousness and awkward social connections and bizarre beliefs

t. needs laogai

Chairman Mao was the savious of China

Attached: CHINAA.png (591x422, 444.35K)

Aren't mao portraits mandatory in chinese households?

maybe most people have the little red book but not the potrait

>30-80,000,000 people died from starvation under Mao's rule
>under Mao's rule, China's population went from 550,000,000 to 900,000,000 people

In just 30 years.

Attached: rxbctjta0hu21.png (1462x820, 910.75K)

t. brainwashed retard

China needed the cultural revolution to avoid becoming slaves to American imperialism

the gf

I have a translation to Spanish of that shit. Pretty boring

Cultural revolution could have been achieved without starving people with absolutely retarded policies.

How many of those babies were born from being BLACKED i wonder

He ended warlordism, promoted decentralisation, forced industrialisation and enacted land reforms that permitted farmers to own their own land (they were under a feudal system beforehand), did you think they were flying spaceships beforehand? what did you mean by this? you know they had soldiers in the KMT still using bows and arrows?

its a book about communist theories what did u expect

>“HAD Mao died in 1956, his achievements would have been immortal. Had he died in 1966, he would still have been a great man but flawed. But he died in 1976. Alas, what can one say?”

They aren't idiots.

China has a very large number of the population. The fact that there was a famine is natural. China has not been exploiting African countries for centuries as Western countries do. They had to do everything on their own

does the same applies for holomodor?

Colonialism impact on the poor is insignificant. As always it's the elites who profit from it.

I just wish they’d stop larping as communists so tankies and dengists can shut the fuck up and stop defending them for strike breaking and for allowing overseas companies to pay workers absolutely trash wages

damn chinese have caste culture?

This is the father of modern china, not Mao.

Attached: Deng_Xiaoping.jpg (956x1203, 164.84K)

maybe the sekrit plan is to use hypercapitalism to absolutely destroy feudal system and then slowly implement more and more socialist policies but u never know if they will actually do it
I just hope they ban the wet markets

Now that i think about it Mao is like a chinese Attaturk

don't worry, their caste culture was nowhere near as retarded as india's, you guys still take the cake for being the worst people on earth.

he created new china yes he was retarded but you cant deny that he was good realist and leader

That would be somewhat in line with Marxist thinking though. Marx and Engels were quite adamant in the belief that societies need to pass through stages of development in turn in order to even think of socialism.
It was Lenin's idea that you can just skip from pseudo-feudalism to socialism.

>be the most forgotten leader of China

What has he done in his term?

Attached: Jiang_Zemin_at_Hickam_Air_Base%2C_October_26%2C_1997%2C_cropped.jpg (264x335, 29.23K)

Marx's idea is still retarded though, he banked on the fact that with enough societal development a conscious lower class would fight for their rights. What an idealist mong, he didn't account for the invention of television and rampant sensationalism!

yeah look at this guy as proof