Alright guys, let's settle this once and for all
At what age do women peak?
Depends on the girl, usually between 16-21
what the fuck this looks almost like my sister
Girls in their 30s can get bad if they let themselves go, but if they stay thin they can be still bery pretty
Unironically at 12-13, or rather about 2 years after menarchy. Women are most attractive in the peak of their reproductive age. That's life for you.
However, telling that truth is Taboo, so all the official medical sources will say the optimal age is 18-21. That's the cutoff, anything beyond is coping, and above 30 is depravation.
can I fuck her?
Nonsense. Have you ever seen a voluptuous 13 year old? Girls under 20 are awkward looking and have acne
12 13 girls are still kids you pedo dwarf
>Have you ever seen a voluptuous 13 year old?
I have. I feel sorry for your genetics. Let's compromise the world average at 14 then.
and the whiteoid thinks he's the masterrace.
I hope you fucks are joking
black people develop faster
look at dem tits tho
As I said, that's a social taboo. At 13 I pretty much had the same lucidity i've retained as an adult, kids in worse conditions may have developed it at 10. If mental maturity is your issue, that's a social problem, not a biological one. Western society shields kids too much, and even more absurd is the way they hide sex from them despite plastering sex everywhere in their adult lives. That's lying about the literally most important thing society regards. Kids should be told about how the world around them works, schools should have some light work programs to make the kids understand the importance of earning money and doing their part, so they don't end up studying university for nothing and choosing wrong careers.
Are you a boomer or something? Kids develop extremely quickly in the modern age.
That's not social taboo, that's just you being a weirdo
Nice Granny. Besides, she looks 25 at most, she literally fucked at 15, which is the optimal breeding age if you ask me.
birthing hips aren't fully developed at 13 though, if you want to for the biological aspect your answer should be more like 15
Imagine wanting to have sex with a plain underage girl
>white women
I'm not answering your misogynist poll.
That mentality is why you'll always be third world
You just proved yourself wrong.
Shut the fuck up, coofer. You literally brought the downfall of the civilized world.
Even if this was true italy would have still went thorugh the civilization phase
women peak as soon as they are finished developing and have finished puberty normally 14-16. After that it's a slow decline until they hit the wall and basically go in freefall normally between 30 and 40
Exactly the age of consent in that state/country. Which varies from 14-18