Uncle Xi edition
dogshit aussie chink edish
19 stone is 266lbs....
that one bong is fat
winnie the pooh and niglet
Mental how women basically can't be lonely but a significant amount of the male population is deathly alone
holy based
whypipo be like dis sprite too spicy lol
Doing a browse of the faces of int thread
Imagine being even slightly fat lmaooo
Why would you do that to yourself?
having a look
>In a move that comes after China started to enforce segregation on ethnic minorities and began to deport and attack black people in the city of Guangzhou, African nations have been left stunned after a spokesperson for President Xi Jinping told African leaders that "black people spread the coronavirus" and insinuated that the disease had "an African origin."
>Chinese state media have also begun showing short cartoons aimed at children, which depict Africans as rapists and call on them to protect "the glory of the Han race."
>It has also been reported that Chinese citizens who have African friends, who employ Africans or marry Africans will have social credits deducted, leaving them unable to by houses or obtain high-paying jobs.
>People of African origin have been attacked by racist mobs and Chinese government officials over the past few weeks, prompting a furious response from African nations.
jo cox is hot
Just had a look inside /cum/..
It feels just like /brit/ but with different flags.
wypipo do really be like this lmao
Fucking hell the Dutch must be mad on a stag do!
gf wants a joint account to pay the household bills and shopping out of and I don't like it, feels very serious
are you 7ft tall
Party rock est dans la maison ce soir
Tout le monde passe un bon moment
Et nous allons te faire perdre la tête
Tout le monde passe un bon moment
Let the Chinks and the blacks fight. White people will rule over whatever is left.
i've done plenty of research and asked /g/ a lot of questions so i think it should be ok
>average weight, around 19 stone
Sweden set to reach herd immunity within weeks, says Chief Medical officer
>says the traitor english teacher in j*pan
Just been to the newsagent and can’t believe the Mars Bars are behind a paywall.
Jews you mean
>walking down the street
>moni comes up to your
>'What have you done to progress the advancement of people of colour and also the BAME communities in the UK?'
What do?
*reacts angrily*
t. never left his village Ooberbrekkenvillejerstaad
Good move, wards off any desire for fully shared finances
well if chief medical officer says it it must be true
I would move to Northern Ireland
Clogwog seething about white people again
Not exactly true, my yank step sister is a complete shutin with an opiod addiction, has no m8s and would put most of the incels on here to shame
the gf shagged around 100 lads in uni but i'm getting the last laugh because in bed she's always doing sexy stuff some other lad taught her
have traveled all over the world
but actually leaving your country to work and pay taxes in gookland is different you weeb manchild
They're just reporting what the Swedish government is saying.
Sweden is based. Fuck lockdown cucks.
Does she live in England
be glad she settled with you lad.
You've never left your mum's basement you virginous cretin.
She shaggable tho?
everybody that you meet
I can't stop jerking off to fat tits
go back to your crusty hugpillow you nonce
sending flirtatious messages to the proto gf
How long until everyone else follows suit?
the english dream
lockdown is based
fuck wagecucks
early bird gets the worm
starting to get a sore throat
this is it isn't it
>progress the advancement
you spend 24 hours a day here seething
You haven’t ever left your house except to go to your uncles kebab shop
ask her if she'd be my GF
My brother can't affford to feed his kids because of this shit. I've been paying for them but I can't do it forever. Idiots like you need to fuck off.
Women get just as horny as men do and enjoy having sex all the same. They can, and many do, have inconsequential casual sex and it doesn't necessarily have to be due to self-esteem or daddy issues. You're probably coping for something but I don't care because I shag.
Surprising that not many people have clued on to the fact that the poster with a Japanese flag used to post under a German flag, he's a gay rorke pagan and he had weird hatefuck fantasies about Oxford bender
No yankland
Maybe after a few drinks, shes batshit insane though
reminds me of that bird who had her fat put in her tits