I swear every time there's a Quebecois on here they have some weird superiority complex about speaking French, as if it makes them special. It just screams "LOOK. LOOK AT ME, I'M DIFFERENT". Pretty cringe.
Why are Quebecois so overly pleased with themselves?
Ok what you gotta understand is that people from Quebec are super insecure about coming from a welfare state. Just how Arab men are super insecure about being completely fucking useless but won't ever admit it. Most people from Quebec are npc tier when it comes to things like budgets, relationships, logic and employment. Due to this they have to always bring up "muh 200 years of culture" so they can get their federal gibs.
T. Guy that fucks sluts in Quebec city every June.
This thread made another one disappear, let that sink in
We're still here despite 400 years of anglo jewish schemes and trickery. That's quite an achievement.
>da joooooooos
you're not acadians, no one was trying to get rid off you
Right, then why were we treated like niggers in the south by anglos until we finally got fed up?
Take your victim complex and fuck off back to Africa.
Fuck off Raj you swarthy paki
The thread it killed was likely shittier.
you weren't though, if it was so bad how come someone like laurier or st laurent could become pm?
there were plenty of seigneurs in the chateau clique
everyone was poor until the 20th century, my grandparents generation used to ride around vancouver on horses in the 1930s
Nigel still seething he couldn't make Québécois BVLLS speak english
French speaking settlers were treated like shit and sunk by anglo tribalism. If quebec was on its own from the beginning, the region would be the one of the richest in northern america alongside California and Texas
They were a minority. Most French Canadian were kept down by the catholic church preaching a simple humble menial worker lifestyle and the english employers upper class. Speaking french at work was prohibited in a lot of factories, being french in a city like Montréal was the same as being a nigger not so long ago.
It's just your impression because you are fucked up in your head, asshole.
how? quebecers were a bunch of norman peasants, the only thing they did differently in quebec was some became loggers and fur trappers
it was a feudal system, up until the 50s they were all staunch catholics with 7 kids
the educated class was scottish/anglo, because those countries had actual universities
montreal was the commercial capital of canada for centuries, of course it was going to have a strong anglo influence, similar to toronto now having a bunch of non whites
you were free to be as french as you wanted in temiscamingue
you guys always blame the anglo for keeping you down, but you never go after your own like duplessis who were just as complicant
Wouldn't have happened French men are terribly incompetent. They would have sabotaged themselves to spite one another.
Most francophones are niggers so it makes sense.
French Canadian = Canadian descendant of French settlers =/= african
Montreal =/= Québec. Anglophones have been second-class citizens for at least 100 years in all of QC minus Montreal. Also people weren't kept down by the Catholic church. Fuck off.
What bogs down the relationship between Anglos and French especially today is history.
Anglos nowadays are generally willing to put aside our differences when it comes to language and shit like that, but the Francophones will absolutely not budge about the "muh history of oppression"
Guess what retards, you're not oppressed anymore. French is an official language of the state and Quebec was given a special provincial government. Not to mention the endless amounts of gibs you get.
The only way forward for Canada is for the Quebecois to stop dragging us down and start helping to propel the whole nation forwards.
English Canada is by far the one who constatly receives gibs. Fuck off, anglo nigger.
It's true African bvlls built Quebec city so wealthy Anglos can fuck French uni students.
>anglophones have been second-class citizens for at least 100 years in all of QC minus Montreal
Fuck off back to every single other province or state in the US then. We're treated as second class citizens everywhere except here. Anglos are so full of themselves, you are absolutely oblivious to how fucking obnoxious and pretentious you are. If we we're indigenous you'd have genocided us long ago because you're full of shit and don't give a fuck about anyone unless your actions make you look bad or virtuous.
Normans produced alpine cars, Erik Satie and good cheese. Jokes apart there are basques, bretons and south westerner in the lot.
incompetent ? You know that the first western european satellite is french ? We built nuclear powerplants in the UK, and even with full blown incompetency they still managed to buy french engineery. You don't believe it yourself. Quebec independent would have been great, with France as a main trade partner. Your electricity supply, the thing which allows you to puke nonsensical rants is ensured by quebecois operators right now.
Honestly its not us. most people i see praising québécois culture on here are americans for some reason. they seem to have a hate boner for anglo-canadians
most people in québec dont like americans so i have no idea why they think we are so 'based'
Fuck off Raj Quebec is at what like 11 billion in equalization payments. Where as provinces with culture and soul like Alberta and Saskatchewan get nothing. Our roads need the money more than your neets.
The anglos literally gave the Quebecers a chance for independence but they realized that would mean no more free shit so they turned it down.
Anglo Canada overall receives more gibs cause we're 10/11 provinces, retard.
Quebec gets the largest amount of gibs and not even by a slim margin, Ontario is several billion behind Quebec in gibs received.
>most people i see praising québécois culture on here are americans for some reason
Don't worry, those are only retards that have never met a Quebecer. Any American who lives near the Quebec border hates you just as much as you hate us.
No it's not lol. I have an eco house I do solar. German engineering is what keeps this house running lol. Cope faggot
>culture and soul
>prairie provinces
pick one
The banana referendum ? You don't believe it yourself.
Anglos have second-class citizens in Québec City since the 1860's (and rightfully so). Wealth and anglo do not compute.
Fuck off, back to Montréal. Keep sucking the anglomutts like you have for 300 years. I hope Ontario annexes your shitty island.
>Where as provinces with culture and soul like Alberta and Saskatchewan get nothing.
AHAHAH. Neck yourself, you welfare leech.
English Canada is the basket case of Canada. Prairie niggers would never survive without the gibs coming from Québec.
not for long
Is quebec more french than france nowadays?
100% solar ? How can you heaten your home during wintertime ?
>wood stove
Lmao caveman.
>Anglos have been second-class citizens*
>Bring in lots of immigrants
>Hope they identify as francophone and Quebecer first
>They don't and vote no in the referendum
Depends who you ask.
Except Québécois are importing French now, expecting mass immigration of 20-30000 French per year.
I grew up in Ontario and literally no one ever talks about Quebec or gives a fuck what goes on in Quebec. Meanwhile when I went to Quebec city every conversation was some backhanded job at Ontario. When I go to Yas Forums for the first time it's filled with Quebecers being pricks 24/7. I'm convinced 90 percent of pol tier posts by leafs are Quebecois
You do realise the federal government fast-tracked tens of thousands of immigrants to citizenship for the specific purpose of them voting no, right?
>I'm convinced 90 percent of pol tier posts by leafs are Quebecois
Alright I'm thinking based
I'd love to see some proof of that.
>If we we're indigenous you'd have genocided us long ago because you're full of shit and don't give a fuck about anyone unless your actions make you look bad or virtuous.
then are you guys metis, or did you do the same thing to the local natives when you showed up?
there's smart french people, the rousseau types who thought of quebec as a few acres of snow, you didn't send your best, you sent peasants and prostitutes
but this was intentional, new france was to continue the feudal system of france, they didn't want smart self capable people, they wanted beasts who would populate the land and pay rent
Imagine if Ireland was still part of the UK but instead they throw out their endemic Anglo elite, keel their language and turn into a way more successful member country of the UK than all the other ones. On top of that they force the entire political class throughout the UK to learn Irish in addition to English if they want to get near any position of power on the national level.
That's the history of quebec.
Nationalism isn't about the language that you speak, but the feelings of loyalty expressed through vote.
Geo-thermal we are very lucky to own the land we have.
The prairie provinces are what keep Canada fed bitch. We provide for useless such as yourself :^)
It's pretty common knowledge, the government doesn't even deny it. There's a section on the wikipedia page dedicated to it.