>Atheists think we’re descended from this
Atheists think we’re descended from this
Only the dumber ones.
>being a creationist
That is my cousin though
No, same common ancestor.
My ancestor :)
I mean I'm proud to be part of the "two people had sex and populated the entire planet with whites, blacks, asians and everything else and created the most incest crazy world ever" but I'd be a fish if I could. Seem like a comfy life.
My ancestors
what was he thinking at that moment?
>religioustards thinks we were descended from incest
Do NOT bully the poles
They didn't choose to be spawn of yid-reptilians from planet Nibiru
atheists be like
>hey gramps how you doing
ey thats my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather you're talking shit about
even according to science, we would be descended from incest
>Imagine still believing in made up fairytales, created by mud hutt niggers thousands of years ago who couldn't even count to 10
lmao do theisttards really do this
not only atheists think that
Look at those fucking chads
Extend that by a couple hundred greats
> Abrahamicucks believe we descend from this
I’m descended from Odin, brother :)
Odin was black
From the waist done amirite ? Haha classic nordic brotherly humour
It's Wotan you fag
"I will create cringe"
Our ancestor :)
a couple hundred thousand greats