COUNTRIES that you'll ERASE from the EU

Let's see.

Attached: Captura de pantalla 2020-04-19 a las 16.03.37.png (1046x966, 216.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>COUNTRIES that you'll ERASE from the EU
How many in Spain would you say are non white and semitic?

Attached: Provinces_of_Spain-2.jpg (1000x686, 195.42K)

>COUNTRIES that you'll ERASE from the EU
All of them.

checkwe are disgusting

What is wrong with Czechia?

all the poor ones

thanks for your service

that's my duty, yo get Helsinki and I'll go with Euskadi and Catalonia, fuck Madrid

Attached: ff0f289529b967895629b5e80e1f5e3e.jpg (887x1024, 88.73K)

I'm about to delete them folks, I can do it




Czechia and Negerlands

Attached: 1537609791340.gif (276x480, 2.52M)

what is going on there



None beacuse i like all eurofrens

hungarian pass time, gobbling goo from unaware strangers


>there are non EU flags ITT that unironically have an opinion on this
Fucking cringe

Attached: download (3).jpg (249x202, 6.9K)


Even me?! :D

Getting rid of the biggest depositor in your trade union sounds like a great idea.

How about i deposit DEEZ NUTS on your forehead, LMAOOOOO DORK

I have no trade union, I only have a cat and two linden trees and a buncha chickens.

I think he says it as common sense, for what Germany really represents and for what it was and is. Money is not that important. You are a sick country. That's what I think he wanting to say.

No stop bullying me!!!

Attached: wojack.jpg (750x1000, 95.46K)

lmao you talk like a fag

Hey I'm just the messenger, a fag postman?????

Ok brudda, I was just shitposting to be honest, and the other guy is probably retarded, since he doesn't use punctuation.

If we all thought like your average spaniard we'd still be wearing leaves for shoes, sitting on plastic chairs and have a life expectancy of 43.

Picture of cat please

I wanted to follow up your next argument with a whiny post about how you can't treat me like that because I have economical power and you have to respect that. But you completely ruined my plans by taking me seriously and feeling pity...

Attached: holy illuminated cat.jpg (1944x2592, 691.23K)

you're right fish and chips chronicdrunk boy

None. EVROPA must expand.
And then... Possibly... EVRASIA!
Ah, the Old World... Terror of the Americans!


I'm not even British m8 but I can still see through your country's bullshit

ok cuck

And I'm not Spanish, I'm Catalan. That's why this thread happened you fucking subhuman