>there are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
There are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
How do Japanese girls smell?
finland is a popular stop for asians considering it's the eastern-most EU country
and bless allah for that
jomon bump
you meant to say females of all ages, including centenarians?
And none of them want to fuck you.
but they like only white men and Im brown, so why to waste time on women that dislike me? the right way is to ignore jap women existence. not way a brown man could get one.
Give one reason for a Japanese girl to come to Poland that's not tourism.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
her chink face is busted
Mamma Mia
that one polak boomer who makes samurai armor
like seks
racism isn't cool mkay
Why yes, I do like watching Japanese camwhores on FC2 Live. How did you know?
Most of them are old as fuck though.
I'm Chinese(-American) and my imouto is a fujo who wanted to go to Japan for some dumb fujoshi event last year. My parents told me to chaperone her because they work and I'm a neet. The fujo event was held in an indoor auditorium and was something like 90% Japanese girls with most of them being 16-30.
I will never forget the smell of that auditorium, as it is one of the most glorious things I've ever smelled.
>not way a brown man could get one.
Sadly this,the game was rigged from the start for us brown dudes.
Doesn't Peru have the second-largest Japanese immigrant population in the world? Just start there
>30 year old cock hungry Japanese females
My god man,how did you manage survive with your cock intact? Surely they would have jumped on your dick and rode you till your balls ran dry?
A lot of girls did stare at me despite me being an average looking Asian male of average Asian height so I suspect it was because my imouto is super cute. Whenever we walked together on the streets of Tokyo I kept noticing dudes staring at her and girls staring at me
Sexpat Loser white what’s the matter you can’t get a girlfriend in your own country so you have to travel to the Third World and Asia to get laid?
Not good
Reminder more than 35% Japanese “girls” are older than 65yo.
what's fc2?
and none of them would even look at me because I’m an ugly subhuman
>my imouto is a fujo
Your what is a what?
>asian girl
probably like lotion or coconut oil
i would unironically pay thousands to lick their boobs, pits, feet and ass
Too bad they're all hags.
post the source of this RIGHT NOW