>Japan and Korea fights over these shitty rocks
How come China doesn't just come in and just take it?
>Japan and Korea fights over these shitty rocks
How come China doesn't just come in and just take it?
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Those are some 10/10 top quality rocks and I would absolutely live in a cabin on one of them
Claimed for Germany
There. Fixed it
Both want national gas and both want to preserve muh honor but both would kill the Chinese if they ever took the rocks
Maybe they could build a Chinese alcatraz
>national gas
natural gas fuck me
Next concentration camp location?
>Japan and Korea fights over these shitty rocks
shut up leaf, it's important island to share more EEZ
Can't just plop them in New Mexico like you can
Korea annexed it. It’s Korea territory.
Japan is weak. that’s all.
Dokdo is Korea! Dokdo is Korea’s holy island. We keep learning all about Dokdo. Dokdo is Korea sprit and life. Nobody steal it.
It's America's, both South Korea and Japan are American colonies.
Those rocks look pretty rad though.
We can easily provoke Koreans by saying those are ours.
Imagine being so obsessed with and pride themselves on shitty two rocks.
No, only Japan is US colony.
Rate CANADA'S rocks.
The asian malvinas
m8, of the two, you are by far the more subservient
Bland af
Dokdo is an integral part of Korean territory, historically, geographically and under international law.
No territorial dispute exists regarding Dokdo, and therefore Dokdo is not a matter to be dealt with through diplomatic negotiations or judicial settlement.
so pitiful not even birds will shit on it
>Americans will sacrifice their life for protecting fucking two rocks from Chinese menace
I'll gladly give you those.
Japs that pretend they don't give a shit probably think he's a anime hero or something cool but just look wide teeth non soaped hair with grease dirty face and beard soak in pepe gel barbarian instead
Takeshima* :)
Comfort women are just paid whores.
Damn Kim no one gives a fuck about these japanese rocks calm down
French is more infected with the coronavirus than Korea.
>How come China doesn't just come in and just take it?
You re getting a burn from comfort women issue, if it was nothing, you are getting global disgrace from nothing
What if the gov was telling you a lie.
At least France doesn't have that classic Korean inferiority complex
You need to apologise to Vietnam for the rapes.
Vietnam people died from our hands
So what? How could anybody distinguish viet cong from other 'civilian's? There was reason
And rape? Korean soldiers promised them to marry and go Korea together, and president didn't give them enough tickets to leave as a family. That's why