Why are French people so bad at speaking English if most English words come from French?

Why are French people so bad at speaking English if most English words come from French?

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fucked up pronounciation rules for both french and english. When you sum up the two it becomes really hard

French people should all just speak like Cajuns. or at the very least they should roll their r's. Makes it sound a lot more like a romance language

We do roll our r

People who speak english are terrible at speaking french too, so tit for tat.

Since when? No French I have ever heard rolls their r like a Spaniard or a Ruskie

because it's an irrelevant language

the most frequently used words are still overwhelmingly germanic and so is the syntax. pronunciation is just a big mess because of the great vowel shift

C’est votre accent mais c’est n’est pas un problème. C’est trop mignon :)

French people insist that "genre" is one syllable. It's phonetically impossible to pronounce the R sound at the end if it were just one syllable.

shut up fat

Frequently, germanic, syntax, pronunciation, just

I don't think that you're actually that much worse than people from other big euro countries.
It's just the scandis that are super cucked by english from a young age, all the other people in Europe I think are equally shit

Core, thor, gore, shore, Bohr, genre.

You don't pronounce the n.

Their cultural scene is more isolated than that of Germany or the Nordics.
Spain and Italy are also bad, if not worse

Also english pronunciation of french words has nothing to do with the french pronunciation.

>Why are French people so bad at speaking English if most English words come from French?
Only one word in that sentence was French. Most of the common words are Germanic.

Extrêmement basé

"hard" R is elite R

our word now. it's two syllables frenchy

wow you got me there


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Do you need me to teach you pronunciation again?

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Why is English literally the best European language? Every other language (except maybe German) is useless

>made by andreas simons
Fake news, sorry dutchie

why aren't Germans good at speaking English and English natives good at speaking German?

He is memeing, only Francophones who roll their R are Acadians, Cajuns and some boomers/elders in Québec and Southern France, like 2% of francophones

"en" is pronounced as one vowel, genre is pronounced as one single sound. Honestly it's not any harder than slavic languages with their consonant clusters, like how "vzglyad" is one syllable in Russian

Lack of exposition due to a large Francophone cultural scene. Ever noticed how most videogames/movies will have translations in French, German, Spanish and Italian, coincidentally being the worst speakers of English ? The opposite would be speakers of niche languages like Finnish, Swedish, Danish, etc. people won't bother translating as much content in their languages and they don't produce enough locally to compete with the American media industry, so they get to play videogames in English, browse the Internet in English, watch movies in English, etc.

French pronunciation is incredibly foreign to English. Both languages are pretty easy to understand in written form for each other because of all the cognates but listening/speaking is a whole other game

Jokes about Anglo monolingualism aside, what would French speakers say Anglophones sound like when speaking French?

So you ought to rewrite it as genra

Stinky poop, only people with a somewhat bearable accent are poles