What do you think about the assassination of Inejiro Asanuma, leader of the japan socialist party in 60s.
>On October 12, 1960, Asanuma was assassinated by 17-year-old Otoya Yamaguchi, a nationalist, during a televised political debate for the coming elections for the House of Representatives. While Asanuma spoke from the lectern at Tokyo's Hibiya Hall, Yamaguchi rushed onstage and ran his yoroi-dōshi (a traditional samurai sword) through Asanuma's ribs on the left side, killing him. Japanese television company NHK was videorecording the debate for later transmission and the tape of Asanuma's assassination was shown many times to millions of viewers.
Is this based?
Inejiro Asanuma
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He was an anti-nationalist who was mad about America troops being forced to leave. He was an ardent democrat in other words. He was also half-korean.
Nothing nationalist is ever good.
>17 yo
he looks like the average 40 yo chink
very nice. fuck lefties
Yep, and he is still based. He killed the leader of the socialist party in Japan. If he was not for him japan would a commie shithole.
Japan is a commie shithole. Also he was opposed to Japanese militarism and hated traditional japanese society. He was a globohomo.
>Asanuma was widely criticized for a 1959 incident in which he visited Communist China and called the United States "the shared enemy of China and Japan" during a speech in Beijing. When he returned from this trip he wore a Mao suit while disembarking from a plane in Japan, sparking criticism even from Socialist leaders.[3]
Seem based, too bad he died
a true patriot of his country
Based as fuck.
This is how you deal with l*ftists.
A hero for all asians and an influence to the world.
Not really, its not like he had a chance of winning anyway. Japan has always been LDP dominated.
This. Japan belongs to America, not japan. Glad he knew that.
that wouldn't have happened
He was a leftist you feminine retard.
t. albanian gypsy zoomeroid
authentic nationalist means monarchist in japan. nothing except tenno really matters.
This. All enemies of Israel and globalism must be slaughtered. Judeo-christendom demands sacrifice.
Only good rightist is a dead one
Why did he hate his own country so much? Did he take a mutt lover or something?
>Only good rightist is a dead one
Wow I was jacking off to Animal Crossing hentai when I was 17
seecommies were anti-monarchy so they got fucked in japan. that's all, really.
t. communist country
I hate you and your free healthcare. We will slaughter you all. Just wait.
Nice cope chink
t. chink
Rightists hanging out :)
Being anti-monarchy is based. Why would anyone want to keep paying the expenses of a walking museum piece?
This is only relevant because it was caught on camera, it's just as relevant as the british politician who got shot during the Brexit campaign
if anything this guy is a man of action, much better than 99.99% political mouthpieces nowadays.