What if climate change is a good thing? Everything gets hotter, more water is released from trapped ice packs...

What if climate change is a good thing? Everything gets hotter, more water is released from trapped ice packs, it rains more, everything is wetter and more lush? Prove me wrong

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Nah I'm pretty sure it will make the Sahara desert even bigger.

It's the rising sea levels that get people worried really.

Look up desertification, senpai.

And the best thing is...

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... that all of Limburg will be spared :D

holy based

dont believe everything the libcucks say senpaitachi

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Huh that's odd cuz currently it is growing.

Name of the study?

The link in the article doesn't go to the actual study but here's the article

Stop posting things you have no basic understanding of, Yas Forumstard.

As I said, prove me wrong

He has a point.

Depends, how in favor of mass migrations are you?

I will support your point.
This year I have noticed that the grass is much greener and lush, and bigger.
It hasn't snowed this year tho like it used to, so this is a loss, but I would like if it would have greener grass

how's this project going?

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Winter here got mild too. Maybe had three days of snow.
On the other hand summer changed as well.
Summers used to be dry as fuck.
Now they are humid and rainy.

Yearly wouldn't tell you much, you should be comparing decades.

It's been working out pretty good for New England. This region used to be frigid cold and snowbound every winter, now there are winters that go by where rivers in northern Vermont don't even freeze over.

Last summer in Bulgaria was rainy. I actually like it. But the fucking warm winter and snow in March is not that nice.

Carpathian Jungle soon

I am.
I'm 33 years old.
I guess i should have made it clearer in my post.
In the 90s winter was colder and had a lot more snow while summer was really dry.
Now winter is barely existent and summers are wet.

Hungary will be a tropical savannah in 30 years

>everything gets hotter
>everything is wetter
Fuck you

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Besides displacing low lying communities, sea level rise would affect ocean currents and cloud patterns. Sure, it'll most definitely be a positive affect i.e., wetter and lusher world overall, but you have to deal with all the migrations and evacuations and whatnot before you get to that point

>Yas Forumstard.
Nice argument you have there

Actually inland areas are becoming more dry. Unless you live at the coast you will be living in a desert.

not like it would change anything in our lifetime

Good for the Sahel but in the Med it's getting drier and warmer. Maybe the desert zone is going north and climate change will accelerate that

So the whole world would be like Australia?

i bet it can be avoided if hum*noids learn to manage the land properly