1.your cunt

1.your cunt
2.do you believe in jesus christ

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Who did kill him?
Judas or Romans or heretics or pagans?

romans were jews so the jews killed him

1. Sweden.
2. Yes.

But I wasn't raised religiously and I am a member of the Church of Sweden which is basically atheist at this point.

So I really don't know how to deal with that faith.

The Pharisees had him killed because he was a threat to their authority.

No one killed him. He was brought up and he will come back inshaAllah.

Fuck Jesus.

so the crucifixion was a lie ?



the Jews

Crucifixion of Jesus? Yes.

Read the gospel of Judas.

he was some carpenter, right?

jesus died for our sins

But my sins werent even committed back when Jesus was on earth

god has always been here. time doesnt affect him

So what’s the point of not sinning if I can just believe in Jesus and my sins will go away

the Jews

24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”
25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

they wont go away

1) Leafland 2) Sure, but does he believe in us? Probably not

hrrrr shrrrr tulululu sglurrrrbrraapp

Explain that, atheists

but he died for our sins


No. Religion is for brown people.

This pic is perfect for a soijak shop

Romans by order of the Jews (Pontius Pilate)

who would be the soyjack ? the soldiers ?

it would also make a funny virgin vs chad meme. jesus being the chad

I really doubt that the crowd answered that.

jesus is a literal virgin tho

and thats a good thing

Yes, I believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour and that he is the Messiah that will save us all.

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reported to the CIA

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Yes Jesus Christ is a historical person after all

of course

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