Latin america

to all latin american posters
what is one aspect that makes your country in particular stand out from all other latin american countries?

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we have the best traps

We're the country with the roundest shape


spicy food

Why are you so obsessed with latin america?

climate diversity, also very unique slang/accent

this is the bachelor i'm currently studying

Highest % of light eyes

he's a muslim who hates latinos and always makes these troll threads knowing dumb latinos will start fighting with each other and bump this for hours

All countries have that

damned lies

that's what i wanted to say.
A thing that make yu unique is you're basically a beach country, and Inca shit? maybe

Most french guyanese are black

We don't have inca shit and our beaches are shit(probably the worst in the region), specially compared to the caribbean

>our beaches are shit(probably the worst in the region
how can your 1200 millions km2 (or something like that) beaches can be all shit?

>We don't have inca shit
but at least you guys had dictature

>how can your 1200 millions km2 (or something like that) beaches can be all shit?
Humboldt's current and being too far south.

name other country on earth with galciers, deserts, salares, beaches, tundra, tropical climate, oceanic climate, mediterranean climate and arid climate

Brazil is not latinx

sea is cold

how come?

Probably LOS but with a much larger area.

what do you guys mean by "cold"?
in degrees?

Argentina lmao

im from argentina

Threadly reminder:

Most South Americans on this board are part of their rich and privately educated upper class. They live in big mansions with maids and butlers, and hold strange reactionary beliefs about racial hierarchies and are sympathic to fascist tendencies while being more often than not creepy religious fundamentalism. They look down on their fellow citizens and would sell out their own country and all its riches to foreign multinationals and the neoliberal status quo while still calling themselves patriotic. They are members of their oligarchy and are afraid that someone is about to redistribute 'their' wealth that are the result of their greedy thievery. They are a cleptocratic class of parasites that has to be utterly purged and annihilated in a violent uprising if any state in South America is to achieve social progress.

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no arid desert, only patagonia
do they have mediterranean climate?

Almost all countries in SA had dictatorships on that period, Chine's one is more known because the supposed economic miracle and autistic methods of killing people

ok, and You are not a part of this 'caste', internet-South-American-owner?

>do they have mediterranean climate?
Yes, California.

>autistic methods of killing people

we wuz portuguese n' sheeeit

My parents are working class

- We were once a monarchy (1822-1889). Before that, together with Portugal we formed a United Kingdom.
- We speak Portuguese.
- We are not integrated with Latin America. Without a meme, I see a very large traffic of Latinos in other countries. There's no such thing here.
- We don't look like indians. We may have blacks, but (thank you, God) we definitely don't look like indians. Even the argentineans, at least the poorest, look like Indians.

Portuguese language

you mean pajeet indians or mapucheet indians?

Basically I do agree with what you say, since it's the same thing here, and in most country I think, unfortunately. Big companies just act like psychopaths.

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Putting you enemies in helicopters and then dropping them from high heights is autistic as fuck, absolute waste of time and resources just for the sake of it

Is there a big difference between Brazilian and Portuguese? Is it like the same difference as American and European English, for example ?

The vast majority of chileans live in hot regions, I remember some hilarious poster "bragging" that santiago was 15C one day with that comfy coffee pepe pic.

we dont need a visa to enter the US

Yeah, every country has its insufferable elite, but at least Europe has some kind of social net such that most people aren't living paycheck to paycheck. We lack that here. It's a melting pot for revolution, to be honest. Just look at the October protests. Shit's only gonna get more heated because the rich still haven't realized we aren't gonna let them have all of the cake and they'll have to share, they like it or not.

the helicopter thing was a way to throw bodies into the open sea, i don't think they were alive at that point

15C is a very comfy temperature though

oh, this kind of shit. I heard it wasn't used only in Chili though, but somehow a spreaded method of killing in South America dictatorial states?

Perú wiII try their best!

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Northern brazilians predominant phenotype is native, there are also many native origin mutts in the northeast.
There are many people from south america here, specially bolivians.
Your post sounds like it was written by someone who never left his hometown

are chileans proud of the shape of their country?

of course

quite long innit

The existance of the artificial country of Uruguay renders this almost impossible
taking that into account: maybe mate, having a unique accent, asado?

that's a sexy shape desu

almost outrageously long
imagine trying to describe chile with directions
imagine saying you're from east chile haha

I'd be more proud if we had a fucking (public) railway network and not a constitutionally imposed highway-bus-truck private industrial complex monopoly.


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Yes, despite the efforts of the language academics to integrate all the portuguese language, PT-BR and PT-PT have clear gramatical differences. We also have some words they dont, mainly from native and black origin.

bit excessive to count canada as part of latino america