Why don't the Germans buy their houses?
Why don't the Germans buy their houses?
they are investing in gas
they spend all their money in women and wine
no money
spend all their money in urlaub in southern europe
I fucking wish we had your salaries.
they have to pay for our gibs
So basically in 'rich' countries you're less likely to actually own a home.
you'd have to live with our expenses, too, then
that's jewish trickery for you
In reality, they're poorer because of their "kids out at 18, build your own life, I'm going to spend all my reform on retarded shit" mentality.
based Ceausescu providing a house to every Romanian.
>our expenses
Germany is not more expensive than Spain comparing your salaries.
>Local Purchasing Power in Spain is 29.68% lower than in Germany
Germany isn't that expensive.
"'rich country' means you have a few people who are insanely rich and raise the median wealth by quite a bit. E.g. the US are nominally rich while a huge percentage of their population lives from payday to payday and the country is basically in a 3rd world condition as you can see from the corona numbers.
Therefore we have a higher cost of living and a tax rate of 42%.
+social security expenses
More important to them to have a nice car like M3, 911, or amg Mercedes. Can't blame them with the autobahn with unlimited speeds.
That sounds like Slavic mentality
>a higher cost of living and a tax rate of 42%
bullshit. also our tax rate is higher.
More like
>Why don't the Germans inherit their houses?
If they didn't inherit any someone didn't buy any.
bomber harris destroyed them all
more like, why people from poor countries don't move out of their parents
german boomers were poorer than today. Germany in the 80s and 90s was the sick man of europe
>tfw we have the worst house owernership rate
fuck this country
i resect your quads but all thse "poor" countries had enlightened communism that provided people free houses for all
maybe for boomers, but among the youth no one owns the home, they are either tenants or live with their parents
you will inherit the houses communism built for your parents.
I walked into my German friends dads house, think this is nice, really nice
2 stories, big rooms, nice pocation, built very well, very small yard tho.
Think it might be worth $350,000, find out it was 1 million
Germans are cheap as fuck, a lot of Germans would rather rent their whole life than take out a loan and give another person that money. Only diaspora build and buy houses
people rarely have one children Mario, so 1/4 of my parents apartment is not going to do me any favors and I would be probably in my 50s when they die
>I would be probably in my 50s when they die
so what? never leave your parents home. Your dumb sibling will and you will inherit the house.
350000€ is the price of a medium-sized flat in a city.
>a lot of Germans would rather rent their whole life than take out a loan and give another person that money
But that doesn't make any sense, renting is actually a cost, buying is an investment.
>Only diaspora build and buy houses
unironically this. g*rmans rent houses from Turks
I already solved the problem by buying my own apartment :DDD
My flatmate is German and her financial advisor told her buying a property was actually not a good way of investing money and that renting is more financially sound long term.
Sounds like rubbish to me but there you go