You wake up in Serbia

You wake up in Serbia

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das an upgrade

Serbia is cool

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i marry the nearest pig farmer

HAH! this is clearly Poland. You're not fooling me

Daam i must have been really drunk to party myself to the other side of the border. Well, time to go back.

Except there ain't any real pig farms even in villages, at least here

I thank brother Xi for the help he has sent because of the Corona crisis.

nothing to do here, i wish i never woke up

I go back home as quickly as possible.

I did, and I wish I didn't

ah fantastic, bruhtalism

I didn't and I'm glad

i doubt it

I eat their excellent food and make lots of friends with my Serbian brothers.

At least the food is nice
Never tried their alcohol though

Ah, this is better than the last several times when I somehow woke up in Guangzhou, Marseilles, Accra and Tokyo. This time I know the language.
Have some respect for yourselves.

i literally wish i woke up somewhere randomly in africa
all of these countries have higher average wage than we do, how absurd is that???

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>sputnik watermark
lmaoing @ u

Probably get murdered, as I'm a Croat

Why? Africa is not your home. Your home is in Serbia.

man i'm all fucked up now

I'm sure they'll kill me on my morning stroll.

mapa nidje veze sa zivotom
tanzanija bukvalno ima 1/4 neuhranjenog stanovnista, drug bio tamo, ljudi bedni i gladni, fazon imaju jedan televizor u selu na livadi koji gledaju svi

>he thinks we hate Croats

pubg cosmodrome lel

You do.

>this is what Westerners actually believe
there's shitload of Croats who visit Serbia and vice versa

no we don't

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Yes you do.

Vojislav Seselj doesn't run the country, Viktor

I SHQIP a servinka then I go home before her brothers jump me

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only diaspora and boomers hate croats


worst diaspora ever, croat nazis and serbian monarchists were expelled to australia by commies when they came to power. and thats where u should be u bottomfeeders - away from us

It was just banter.

stock up on meat and paprika u pavlaci and go back home to enjoy it
