Choose your Dutch gf

Choose your Dutch gf
She will produce balding offspring for you

Attached: dutch grills.jpg (2048x1514, 528.6K)

Back right I guess. Grim choices though.

the curly one.

They look like the have sexual intercourse with dark skinned individuals

Front right has Jewish roots

t. fine-tuned Jewdar

Why not all?!?
One girl for lick and touch nipples.
One girl for kiss.
One girl for suck dick.
One girl for lick anal.
Perfect formetion.

red dress

Based Jap pervert

who wouldn't pick the far-right?

A lot of Dutch people have curly blonde hair and big noses.

they all look like girls I went to school with except the girl on the right in the background, she looks 10000000% percent exclusively dutch

They're all far too beautiful for me.

Dutch people look like a Germanic people.

Would not think they are Dutch. No idea what I expected Dutch girls to look like , but this was not it
If you said they where Latvian I would not be surprised.
They all look fine.
I would pick the Blonde on the right for those 2 meter Aryan kids we would have

You can't say they're ugly but they look super boring

I meant left
The left one in front

Imagine thinking white dress doesn't look dutch lmao

The one in the back on the right, she reminds me of Avril Lavigne

Attached: choose your french gf.jpg (750x750, 127.16K)

>choosing anything besides the back right one

Do Dutch girls look like that?
That look is common in Baltic states and Finland

Can I have the one without STDs and retarded political opinions she has to insert into every interaction?

One in red because I want to see her underwear.

that blonde basic bitch is common all over europe and not just in your 250 inhabitants country

>your 250 inhabitants country
Cool. Know them all. None of them are Negrs or Islamists. Kind of opposite to your place, no?

Sure, these girls look kinda boring. If you want stds you need to go for art hoes.

>French gf
I'm scared she will cheat on me.

I’m socially retarded so I can’t. And broke. No point in fantasizing.

Attached: 663DF1F0-8116-4892-9A0D-AD216A76D789.jpg (191x264, 7.48K)

Every single man in this picture who is clearly visible is bald.
Still think it's cool to be Dutch!?

Attached: 1574957258393.jpg (2048x1514, 570.87K)


>Still think it's cool to be Dutch!?
No. No one ever has.

That's because we were filled to the brim with jews until the krauts stepped in. Half the people i know have some form of jewish ancestry

Plenty of girls who look like that.

The curly pasta hair is the cutest.

Attached: miojo.jpg (1200x630, 98.31K)

>99.8% Dutch heritage through dna testing
>Levantine paternal haplogroup
Time to kill myself

Do you have good amount of redheads?
The pics I see are hot

Attached: rianne-van-rompaey.jpg (728x1092, 103.39K)


Leftmost, she looks like she'd give strong sons

Red hair is common all over the North Sea coasts.

My analysis: Back right looks Scandi. Back left looks Pan-NW Euro (like Jennifer Lawrence), front left looks German