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Holy shit I can't imagine getting into the internal politics of a country of one billion inhabitants
Must be a clusterfuck

Why do pajeets seethe when I call them something like arab or paki?

I don't have to imagine.

Arabs also seethe when you call em Indian. And pakis start LARPing as Turko-Perso-Aryo-Turanid-Iranic race when you call them Indian.

Sher shah suri appreciation now

Attached: shershahvarient2.png (631x1023, 510.77K)

>Why do pajeets seethe when I call them something like arab or paki?
Doesn't happen. Indians dress differently than Pakis and Arabs.

What's your favorite veda?

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why do canadian seethe when theyre described as americans


The Patanjali(TM) Baba Ramdev one


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vedas are cringe

for me?
its the tri-pitaka

My ancestors were Genghis, and Akbar :)


I am Black Vedic Aryan Brahmin Rajput Dalit.

Why do brown people hate other kinds of brown people so much?

post grills.

Is that samaveda?

im an andamanese-adivasi bahujan gujarati bvddhist ambedkarite

Rig Veda. The earliest one. It's legendary tier with scenes like horses coming down mountains, Indra's thunderbolt destroying the enemies of Vedic people, cities being plundered and legendary Kings fighting other tribes like persians, Trutsu, Gandhara, etc. to secure hegemony over the plain.

The latter Vedas are just ritualistic stuff. The Rig Veda contains most of the ancient legends.

>brown people
we're not one single group dumbass


I am Ashkenazim.

no the sadhguru-veda
$540 please (usd)

>t. brainlet

Same with East Asians

do u live in fear of the naxalites


hello max müller


Shut up punjabi larper

Are Vedic deities like Agni, Varuna and Indra still worshiped?

match made in heaven

my ancestors? the adivasis.. the purveyors of indus valley culture...

When does the horde invade China and punish them for this mess?

he claims hes a rape baby
but your the legit

but vedic rituals and verses are still done

BLACK GOD KRŚNA defeated indra so no one cares about ary*n deities anymore.

now they pray to adivasi gods like ganesh and krishna and hanuman


I wake up before sunrise and immediately offer prayers to Krishna, then I do pranam to the deity of the sun, Surya, as the sun slowly rises from the horizon, next proceed to a shower, clean my teeth using a Neem twig.

I then face either north or east on a pure sheet positioned on pure grounds, that remains undisturbed by any other object or article. I take 3 sippings of holy water and proceed to put on my forehead, bosom and tow arms a round mark of red powder (tilak). I then meditate on brahman itself for several minutes, before bowing and chanting mantras to the murtis of 5 deities (namely Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, Devi and Surya, also known as Panchayatana puja) as a means to raise to higher planes of the swinging pendulum of birth to death to rebirth (in order to the avoid duldrums of lower planes of existence which ulitmately distract the finite brain from contemplation of atman and brahman).

I've read the Vedas and Upanishads 108 times already and can recite Puranas off by heart, all in their original sanskrit. I've also studied the systems of logic from Nyaya, veered off into the Nastika metaphysics of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika, Advaita and Dvaita systems of ontology, the mathematics of Aryabhatta and countless Sutras on all topics and fields.

I avoid all tamasic foods and activities and try to avoid maya (worldly pleasures and attachments) as much as possible, as such all I own is an saffron shawl and i spoil all morsels of food with drops of water, to dull the taste (attachment to sensory pleasures only leads to misery and suffering). I do this because the entire material universe is a merely a distraction from reuniting the soul with the unknowable, infinite and immutable mind that underlies everything one materially senses. I haven't deliberately looked at a woman in 3 years (let alone touched or spoken to one) and I subsist solely off of begging for alms.

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No. Agni worship is done by caste of Brahmins. Indra's name is used as an insult during drought rituals. Varna no idea.

After Corona
Does not matter. North Pakistan was part of Mongol Empire anyway.


My Dad worked as a government officer in a Naxalite occupied area back in 2007. I think the saddest part was the guy in charge of his security, CRPF personnel, was literally just armed with a bulletproof vest and a old rifle with something like 15 bullets. The Naxalite rebels were better armed than him, a government officer.

>"north pakistan"

every Indian who hasn't been to states should make it a mission to visit Houston at some point

ashtavakra gita ids more interesting thn than the gita

but really you should read the moolamadhyamakakarika if you want real vidya

Based, a Mongol poster is a good addition to this general