What are women like in your countree?

What are women like in your countree?

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same pic but instead of 20 30 40 replace with 10 20 30

brown eggs are better

Obsessed with having a career in their 20s
Depressed for not finding a decent guy who earns more money than them in their 30s
Suicidal for not being fertile in their 40s

Fake news. Women don't run out of eggs when they have the menopause.

I hope more women take the red pill of marrying younger lower earning men.

normal eggs are good eggs held in stasis, once all the good ones run out you're left with newly manufactured ones made from damaged genetic material from the mother

Hypergamy isn't something cultural. It's in their blood, you can't change it.
Women want to feel small, powerless and vulnerable around you or else she can't fall in love

are you this fucking desperate

women are born with their own reserve of eggs produced during the foetal stage of their lives. They only begin producing eggs again post puberty


men aren't any different from what I can tell

Women start shitting out potatoes if they get knocked up no later than by 25.

itt: the importance of education and what happens without it

please clean up the kitty litter, maria

It's not really a men's problem to get married young, but women's.

I'm a man lmao, just not interested in this incel shit

Why eggs though?

men don't run out of semen tho


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Each egg represents a dick that women sucks daily.

neither man or woman wants to have kinds in their 20's today and it has nothing to do with eggs or semen.

men can afford this lifestyle, women not so much.

100% bullshit and victim complex, maybe you would get laid or even find a girlfriend if you weren't such a bitch m8

Pretty grandiose calling spending your 20s jerking off to blacked in sweaty underwear a "lifestyle"

a women at 30 has already peaked 5 years ago in terms of beauty.

if the next relationship fails she is quickly approaching 35 and the end of her fertile years

so your proposition is that women should marry you when they are in "peak beauty" for what reason?

Maria, I am saying, that the longer a woman waits the less options she has.

That doesn't make sense? Why not pics with bananas instead? Way better imagery.

Because the only thing that matters for men it's the looks. We don't care if you are stupid, poor, lazy, uneducated, bossy, or boring. We only care about you looking nice. You stop being beautiful once you hit the wall and then we won't want you.

I know you think it's epic to call me a woman's name but I have already told you I have a dick and balls lel
And all I'm saying is that I don't see any difference in women and men when it comes to waiting to be in their mid 30s to have kids in Europe. I have no idea what's the incel take on this is but it just doesn't sound like a women only problem any way you want to spin it.

>and then we won't want you.
what are you talking about, ugly people have kids all the time.

>I have no idea what's the incel take on this is but it just doesn't sound like a women only problem any way you want to spin it.

But aging like milk and losing your fertility around 40 is a (mostly) woman only problem.

I don't see why this is a problem.

Men age like shit as well if they don't take care of themselves.

why do you pretend men only age like wine? most men start to go bald in their 30's and grow bellies and shit, aging is not a women thing lmao