Slavic languages thread

Russian: važnyj
Polish: ważny
Croatian: važan
Czech: důležitý

Russian: tovar
Polish: towar
Slovak: tovar
Czech: zboží

To blow
Russian: dut'
Polish: dąć
Serbian: duvati
Czech: foukat

Russian: voditel'
Serbian: vozač
Slovak: vodič
Czech: řidič

Russian: očki
Serbian: naočare
Slovenian: očala
Czech: brýle

Why is Czech so different?

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brýle is a German word

>Why is Czech so different?
it's not
you could find exceptions like this for every language

Outdated map.

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Jesus Christ... You surely are the heart of the crowd during parties, aren't you?

not him, but who the fuck is the "heart of the crowd" at parties here?

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I had to look up tovar to see what exactly was meant. I thought it would translate to our stvar (thing), but it's tovor, which means cargo.

>To blow


There's a word "woźnica" in Polish, that I assume has the same root, but it's used for the people that "drive" carriages like pic rel, not for car drivers for example.

Okulary in Polish. Plural for eyes is oczy, which sounds more like the ones you posted, but singular it's oko, hence the name for glasses.

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>word for glasses is očkí
>word for eyes is glazá

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It was an ironic usage of the proverb, cause he didn't get the point of the russian op because he treated his post seriously. You're no better than him if you don't understand that.

How did that happen?

>Czech: řidič

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Hello fellow slavs!

vrednic - worthy (important)

and that's the only remotely similar word that i think it fits in op's list

my response was only in reference to your reddit tier "you must be fun at parties", not the guy who didn't get the joke

But you are Roman, not slav.

it should be mentioned that our word for product iz izdelek

Ah, seveda, dejansko besedo sem pa pozabil. Tu se kar razlikujemo od drugih Slovanov očitno


>using proverbs makes you a redditscum

Izradak je tudi hrvaška beseda vendar njihov spletni slovar to imenuje književni izraz. Nimam pojma katero besedo uporabljajo sicer.

Hej Czechs or Slovaks - do you use háčky in casual online writing? Because we don't, because of sz, cz, rz, etc., without much vagueness, but you probably have to use them more often, because of ambiguity with some other words

us Slovenes use strešice (as we call hačky) everytime we can but the Croats and especially Serbs like to avoid using kvačice (as they call same) when possible.

Only kids and phoneposters dont use háčky.

You should use complete diacrtitics otherwise you sound like a retard who didn't finish an elementary school.

>Czech: brýle
real dictionary tippers use brejle and then ekshuelly anyone who tries to correct them.

I think "okulary" comes from Latin "oculus".

Romanians and Hungarians are honorary Slavs.

>Czech: důležitý
We have vážny as well.

Tovar has turkic etymology; zboží is Slavic word

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in Russian:
>Otrok as child
>Stol as table (stul as chair)
>Yed - we have yad as poison and yeda (Eдa) as food


but it's zahòd

Why does Belarus have the most fuckable mouth?

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do all slavic languages have the perfective/imperfective thing?

>Czech: brýle
lol, in polish bryle is a cheeky way of saying glasses

the normal word for it is okulary