I think they should pay reparations to everyone for the damage they have caused.
They should pay reparations
but the virus is an american bioweapon?
They don’t pay shit and I wouldn’t either because I’m Chinese.
They don’t pay shit and I wouldn’t either because I’m Chinese.
Africa should pay everyone for AIDS then.
Start by paying reparations for all the damage you caused us from 1982 onwards.
You fucking kike, you oven dodger
go back to Yas Forums
An Indian was attacked in Israel after being mistaken for a coronavirus carrier.
What the Pajeets should do to avenge this assault, is to kill, mutilate or sexually assault any Israelis or Jews they can catch in their country.
The Japanese, Korean and other yellow people should do the same to any European or Americans they can catch over the rising number of attacks on them after being mistaken for Chinese in the USA, Canada and Australia
yes. And for the Black Death as well.
America should pay for all of this. Also Libya, Iraq, Venezuela, Syria, and Bolivia.
no problem, pay with your body, ms. comfort wuhan
90% of the damage they caused was to themselves...
A lot of these didn't start in China...
Japan will someday pay reparations for this.
the spanish flu started in the usa I thought
if there's any problem with china its that they seem to prefer hiding problems instead of fixing them. that blew up in their face for sure this time
that and they want to be the next "american empire" which means anyone who doesn't like american imperialism should also fear china
in the US your mom and sis are paying reparations for the virus outbreak
the spanish flu was circulating in european WW1 camps years before it popped up in north america
Spanish flu popped up in India or Central Asia first I think.
>if there's any problem with china its that they seem to prefer hiding problems instead of fixing them. that blew up in their face for sure this time
But they literally told America and America ignored their warning
a warning which wouldnt have been necessary if they had solved the problem instead of trying to prevent people from knowing about it at the beginning
>a warning which wouldnt have been necessary if they had solved the problem
What do you mean by solved the problem?
>instead of trying to prevent people from knowing about it at the beginning
Except they didn't? China informed the WHO late December, hell I knew about this in early January while my cointry did nothing..
>T-they silenced the doctors
To prevent panic because of misleading information yes
Could you imagine how bad it could've gotten if people were allowed to just post false shit
They'd travel to other parts of China and spread it like wildfire
>anyone who doesn't like american imperialism
>durr if you want to end american imperialism you should get rid of america's enemies!
Lying faggot.
China shiuld be punished for sure
But the funny thing is how incompetant their propaganda is. After all these fiasco with fixed numbers no one is believing china anymore. Accordring to China their exonomy contracted only by 6% after 2 months of lockdown with closed shops and factories, yeah sure.
Chinese are just nasty liars
Spanish flu was first discovered in US but the origin is probably in Chinese wet markets
>preliminary investigations
>no clear evidence
Retard. You want them to whip everyone up into a panic while the investigation is still ongoing?
No, this is pretty contested and idk where you're getting the confidence to say "probably" from.
There's nothing wrong with this tweet.
>yank defending Israel
Yeah they found no clear evidence
then they found evidence
why can't you retards understand this
based ccp shills.
The chinese knew it was spreading, they actively arrested and imprisoned whistleblowers.
The WHO believed the chinese like the retards they are
>The chinese knew it was spreading
China tried to prevent the spreading by stopping panic?
>they actively arrested and imprisoned whistleblowers.
No one was arrested not even the famous Li you niggers love to being up
>The WHO believed the chinese like the retards they are
Why wouldn't they? China was providing the most data at the time, hell China even said human to human transition couldn't be ruled out, there just wasn't any clear evidence yet
It's in China's interest to pay reparations because that normalizes their relation with the rest of the world. As is they're looking to be the most ostracized country on the planet by 2022 alongside NK.
>The chinese knew it was spreading
>they actively arrested and imprisoned whistleblowers.
Not whistleblowers. They were to stop creating hysteria while the investigation was ongoing. If the "whistleblowers" were successful, you would have had scared people fleeing all over the country and overseas, making it worse.
Really earning those social credit points there.
Journalists and doctors were arrested and imprisoned you retarded ccp shill, they tried to cover it up and did everything to deny its existence.
China bribed who to save their economy and then spread the chinese virus all over the world. Now they are selling overpriced shitty quaility masks. Chinese are really people with no honor. They are the real plague of this world and we must unite, move all the factories back and samction them
All new flues originále in China, chinese have really bad hygiene
>They were to stop creating hysteria while the investigation was ongoing. If the "whistleblowers" were successful, you would have had scared people fleeing all over the country and overseas, making it worse.
You fucking retard it happened during the chinese new year, people were travelling with the virus and the CCP tried to cover it up.
I agree, as long as Israelis pay reparations to Palestinians
WHO is on their payroll, they didn't believe them they're just cucked by them
there have been dozens of reports released which prove the mass coverup. It's the same in every authoritarian communist country ever. When there's adversity, there's a chain of command where no one wants to be the one who reports the news to their senior... so they lie. It's so predictable, it's the USSR all over again
>All new flues originále in China, chinese have really bad hygiene
A lot of pandemics don't?
Also there's nothing wrong with that tweet either. A study from 2014 shows that travel restrictions don't have that much impact.
>Really earning those social credit points there.
Anyone who dares disagrees with you is a shill I guess
>Journalists and doctors were arrested and imprisoned you retarded ccp shill,
You havent linked a single source yet
so here
>they tried to cover it up and did everything to deny its existence
What good would that do them? Late December is when China had little to no information on COVID19 yet they still informed the who and when human to human transmission was confirmed they closed down a city of 11 million
>people were travelling with the virus and the CCP tried to cover it up.
More people would've traveled if China's government were to come out and say
>Yeah there's a possible new virus don't panic tho lol
>there have been dozens of reports released which prove the mass coverup
No there hasn't, hell the only I can think of is the anonymous US source saying they knew about COVID19 since November
Just stay in China you nasty chinese bot
Solid argument here
wasn't expecting much from a country that's just a massive porn site
No sources or arguments huh. I will always wonder why it's so difficult for some people to just admit they're wrong.