
Family and traditional values edition

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Atrocious OP

limmy isn't funny

feeling a jewish presence in this thread

noooooo not the heckin multiracial familyrino the heckin good white race noooooooo


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The post-op tranny is here.

Took 4 grams of shrooms today

They were terribly underwhelming

that woman looks like caitlyn jenner if he was stitched together slightly better

shut it nigger lover


>noooooo not the heckin multiracial familyrino the heckin good white race noooooooo

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if you look at the OP image and think anything other than family you’re mentally ill simple as

drink more beer and stay up late or go to bed?

nah louis ck was right. florida is america's poo

You should microdose and do productive things


cornwallschizo is here

ate a load of dark chocolate, feeling sick, very shaky, heart is racing, breathing is rapid. what the heck's happening? i take back the things i said about nhs, please send help!

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oi lads I reckon I'm in here

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Our entertainment industry alone is almost equal to your GDP LMAO

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tickets please.

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>if i call random people dave, maybe i can deflect from what a fucking dribbling sunshine bus-riding mong i am

link her to the thread

720p looks so shit on the 'tube fucking hell

>anime profile pic
Guaranteed bloke.

love how spanish speakers call us pirates
is that an insult? lmao

feelin a bit drunk and it's only 6 pm lads haha

>anime profile pic
Red flag

*doesn't support it*

where’s your face mask you fucking gimmer


I refuse to watch any video below 4k


>sweet cheeks
How does it feel to be an ugly white chav with no teeth

the unity of man

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just be confident bro

Thoughts, Rasheed?

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quite liked my own gag about how many remaining Lenin statues there were across various European countries and how there were randomly a disproportionate amount in Ireland .. cause they were all in my house (implying I'm a massive Leninboo haha)

should have gone into standup

I look at it and think they are atrocious and immoral infidels.

t. muslim

i left it at home

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better than being a paki

Should I convert to Islam?

why you so chilly?

>anime profile picture
>dating app that isn't tinder

oh no lad


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Why did you share her username bro


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at least i can get girls that are confident enough to have their own face as the profile pic :)

>not knowing who sophie is
hello newcunts

Maybe, but that’s not I was looking for. I was looking for a good psych trip. Got no visuals, did feel quite calm and at one with my surroundings but nothing too profound. Real panic set in later on the drive home but that was to do with coke and a couple of other bad occurrences that freaked me and my mate out.

No it's not, it's quarter to midnight you silly sausage

I dont know who she is.

t. /sp/ tourist


crazy how the media and certain politicians on the left of the political spectrum love to push doom and gloom

too many dick'eads in these threads

Copping an our lady of the holy death pendant lids

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she's /brit/'s token femoid

Im not a mong who posts here every second of 5 the day

might combine a tin of heinz beef broth soup with a tin of chickpeas

I don't rap to get the women, fuck bitches
Give me a fat slut that cooks and does dishes

t. simp

>at least i can get girls that are drugged up and underage
We know.

fuck off

What do I have to do?

one less if you leave

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*dabs on chinkyvirus*

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Coal burners make me sick

Dont project your insecurities on me m8
Its your kind that rapes underaged girls tommy

making a banger


tfw no gf

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>sky wizard

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regularly talk to myself, as i love the sound of my own accent and internal dialogue. i imagine myself giving informative lectures or engaging in debates, which of course i win.

They can't have been good if you didn't get visuals
I remember tripping off 2 gs which is a small dose
You shouldnt have done coke either
Why you not following the lockdown lad

say shahada and start going to mosque, people will help you there

can't tell if this is a bloke or not honestly


Dead nigger storage