If someone offered you 50.000 euros to move to Turkey for 1 year

would you accept the offer? there is no catch, well aside living under third world conditions for a whole year. If you leave before the year is complete,you have to pay back the money.
You can be rewarded also 20.000 euros if you breed a turkish femoid with your white genes. Would you take the challenge or not?

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I would do it for 1 million but I won't leave the house tho.

Less there are a lot of hot dudes to sex with

Obviously yes. Turkey is a fine country, no crime at all according to Google

50.000€ is good money here for İstanbul. 50.000€is 377.000 Liras. Just hire a luxury place in İstanbul for 10.000 liras per month and spend the remaining money wisely and you get above average standards compared to Europe.

50k euros is a fucking fortune i would offer my boypussy for that money

ikibey has just achieved comedy

I would rent a flat for a year and order food delivery, so that way my life wouldn't change a bit.
ez money

Yeah why not. I've lived in a 3rd world country for half of my life and honestly Istanbul seems alright.


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>You can be rewarded also 20.000 euros if you breed a turkish femoid with your white genes.
I can't even join the challenge.

hell no

turkey is a heaven compared to this shithole
plus turkish girls are hot as fuck.

I'd move there and shout ibric, bacsis, ciubuc and sujuk all day long. Maybe find some qt that thinks I'm exotic or just wants an EU passport.

50k is too low for a year

maybe yes

no it isn't unless you're some gulf arab that spends 5000€ a day

I am eligible for a Romanian passport and will probably have taken it within 2 years. I'm planning to use romania as a launching pad for a couple of years before I move on to the new world. which cities would you recommend?

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Yeah, I'd just NEET in Istanbul
>You can be rewarded also 20.000 euros if you breed a turkish femoid with your white genes.


For a year you could also live comfortably here.

No because IDC about money
I am based

I think I'd choose Munich, but Hamburg seems ok too

Bucharest if you like the hustle and bustle of a city that doesn't seem to sleep. Cluj if you like soyboys and too much westernization. Sibiu for maximum comfy. Alba Iulia for fortress comfyness. Constanța if you like the seaside. Brasov has been voted the best tourist destination by many. There's also Craoiva if you don't have anything against the Gypsy mafia pulling strings and enjoy watching the sword fights that erupt from time to time between different clans.

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based NEET

cringe faggot

all countries seem peaceful compared to the 80k murders per year in Brazil


based bob vagene rapist about to claim his 20k bonus but oh wait,you aint white

Turks and gypsies look the same so you will not exotic

what does this mean?i see this here a lot lately. Google aint helping

based slavochad

It wouldnt be much worse than mexico but ok

A man of honor. Based desu.

thanks mate.

Git göt killarini kes knk :D
Ne rezil herif oldugunu unutmadik lel.

Sure if I can find a qt turk like her

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it's your nickname, unwanted son of a hearsay-order bride that can't speak a lick of turkish

Why do germ women love BTC so much?

Too bad this won't be you, Ikibey