What happened to the Roman Britons? France and Spain were invaded by Germanic peoples but they remained Latin...

What happened to the Roman Britons? France and Spain were invaded by Germanic peoples but they remained Latin. How was Britain different?

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not enough of them

tldr we dont know for sure but they were either killed, assimilated, fled, or a mix of the three
you can delete the thread now

>What happened to the Roman Britons? France and Spain were invaded by Germanic peoples but they remained Latin. How was Britain different?
britain was conquered by Anglo-Saxon teutonices of Frisia who spoke proto english this replaced the celtic/latin speakers, also modern italian people are not the same thing as roman or italic ethnicity, italy saw lots of non ethnic italin/roman migrations of slaves and whatnot that later on became italians.

>britain was conquered by Anglo-Saxon teutonices of Frisia
>saw lots of non ethnic italin
eternal germanoids

also britain was invaded by not just frisians but jutes, saxons, and angles (so basically northern germans and danes), which lent itself to this phenotype.

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Britannia was never as Romanized as the rest of Western Europe. Likewise, there wasn’t really a lot of Roman settlement there either. It was viewed as a backwater, and when the empire collapsed, it was abandoned. That’s why it was so easy for a relatively small group of Germanic warbands to conquer the whole island.

They got fucked off to Wales. Other reasons include low population compared to other provinces so the invasions had a higher effect on the people than say the Franks who genetically didin't really change the Gaulic Romans or Visigoths in Hispania, Britannia was invaded by something about 5 different groups.

I’ve noticed some welsh people are darker in complexion (pic is a welsh footballer) does this mean anything to what you said

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no, likely the indigenous population looked a bit med to begin with. Some scots and irish look med as well.

T. Med looking celtic decent dude

Welsh is the English name, but they themselves called eachother Britons, they were displaced by the Angles and Saxons and were pushed to what we know as Wales. They were the people in Britannia before the English.

brittania was still pretty romanized end of day. They just got really badly BTFO. Breton from france ancient refugees from that conflict

Britain was never as completely assimilated into Roman culture the way France and Spain were, mainly due to distance and a relative lack of value to the empire. That's why Rome lost control of it way before they lost control of their Mediterranean territory.

Roman influence was pretty limited even during their rule, so the Celtic and Germanic elements were still more prevalent.

they didn't want to stick around

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they were too dumb to learn a civilized language

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>Roman Emperor Julius Caesar
>Julius Caesar conquered Britain

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but they got BTFO by the brits

it was never as romanized as gaul and iberia + the germanic invaders were far more numerous

>conquering britain
is he having a laugh?

wtf brits are frogs

They got invaded by Germanic peoples in three waves. First the Anglo-Saxons, then the Danes, and finally the Normans.

my ancestors :)

He didn't conquer Britain and he wasn't Emperor. Not a high quality image.

Lol, julis Caeser never said that, he said about how we lived and that's it

>he said about how we lived

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i don't think cicero would even have been aware of britain

But he did invade britain, so thats wrong you fucking moron

he attempted to invade britain twice
the first time was a non-starter because as per usual the romans struggled to deal with a 20-mile sea crossing
the second time he headed back to comfy gaul because of how much trouble the celts were giving him and it was easier dealing with the french

lil bitch caesar got so utterly btfo'd by britons he started shitting on them the second he (barely) returned back to gaul LMAO

>the romans struggled to deal with a 20-mile sea crossing

That strait was at the border of the known world, it would be like today's Cape Horn.

They ran to the north when the Saxons invaded and lost their Latin language and had it replaced with welsh.
The opposite happened in Gaul where the Latin replaced the native language.
Scots and Irish primarily descend from Easter Austrians and Norsemen.

It wasn't proto-english it was Frisian.
Proto emplys it had much to do with modern English where it doesn't.