I've pondered long upon why usual Yas Forums users of most boards are so deluded in their firm and undisputed...

I've pondered long upon why usual Yas Forums users of most boards are so deluded in their firm and undisputed conviction about the importance of traditional masculinity in physical attractiveness, as it often felt like an ogre cope. There are plenty of women for which the polar opposite works, entire cultures, I think that anyone who has ever spent a day outside can testify that tastes vary, and all the in-jokes aside I doubt that any such person exists.
Truth is, it's a deep rooted jealousy since only certain men are aesthetic looking so they want to pretend women want a ''masculine guy'' like them instead. In reality women like beauty, when you look sculpted from a statue or beautiful painting.

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this guy looks like an anime boy


Very true. You will see this in /fa/ where Yas Forums fags have immigrated and cope non stop

Start lifting, faggot. Doesn't matter if you have a pretty face, men are supposed to be strong.

No women has ever said "oh noes he's too fit for me". And no, I don't consider giant abominations on steroids to be "fit".

>all the in-jokes aside I doubt that any such person exists
wristlet detected

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i wish i looked like this guy

>I know what women want better than you
why do incels love these kinds of posts?

The idea that a man is supposed to be "ugly" is an Abrahamic concept not even native to Europe. Before Christianity the ideal male or hero was strong and tall, but also well groomed, clothed and with long flowing hair, think of the likes such Achilles.

It's not about Yas Forums. Unlike most incel memes, you can also hear this one in the real world.

>No women has ever said "oh noes he's too fit for me"
Yes they do kek, plenty of them. All women like healthy looking men, so I agree you shouldn't be a sedentary bitch. But plenty of women find bodybuilders comical and a bit gay, your attitude attracts trashy women.

Absolute faggot, then you had thte nerve to mention "sculptures", yeah which are ALL BUILT, dumbass.


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While there is a general point you have there about variations in female preference and their inclination towards the aesthetic, to which might be added that what is percieved by females as 'masculine features' is much broader than simple musculature, you still sound like a faggot

You won't ever reach "comical" proportions when you train without steroids. Whenever a girl thinks of dudes "too big" they think of Ronnie Coleman blasting dbol, tren and test-e, not a regular natty who goes to the gym 3-5x a week.

that guys still fit though
really it doesnt matter. if you have an attractive face you can be skinny or hell skinnyfat and sometimes fat and still get laid but being fit is just a cherry on top. theres nothing wrong with working out.

>it's another women only like fem boys thread
Yeah ok, keep telling yourself that

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>incel cringe posts a movie star

Attraction is a result of polarity and if reducing masculinity to muscularity was true then there wouldn't be a point in having a word for the former. You are complaining about some sort one-dimensional reductionism while it's you who is actually the one that is adopting a one-dimensional dichotomy.

Ye they like skinny guys that just happen to be 6'4

That guy is fit though you skinnyfat loser

This could be very true. Richie Cotterell is the epitome of Anglo-Saxon beauty
Also I've observed how Arabs tend to secretly admire white men for their inborn beauty not as a feminine quality or the likes of something sexual

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>And no, I don't consider giant abominations on steroids to be "fit".
So where exactly do you draw the linem how much musclemass is too little and how much is too much? That's very arbitrary.

this. women want a pretty face. only fat bitches like muscle.

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Masculinity is associated with a certain set of traits out of touch with the diverse spectrum in which beauty/polarity can manifest itself. I never refuted that attractive masculine men can exist but many masculine men do so for the opposite. I only have one explanation for this which I reasoned in my OP post. I don't think I am mistaken.

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Lmao what nafris and shit are way more twink looking on average than whites
That's why they try to cope by acting angry and selling drugs

could heem everyone in this thread

Masculinity literally has nothing to do with physique, that just correlates. For attractiveness it's mainly about the way carry yourself and behave, and how that makes women feel. It is absolutely necessary to be masculine to attract women, they simply can't be attracted non-masculine men. Also, most women don't like boyish looks but that's more cultural. Trust me, I'm lean and physically effeminate. Look at Western European male beauty standards before the late 19th century for an example of fairly feminine beauty standards.

Christianity is much more forgiving of ugliness + focuses on the immaterial so it's irrelevant/vain anyway.
Paganism, while the immaterial is important it's not used to denigrate the material. Beauty is important as ugliness and incompleteness is ostracised and despised with zero tolerance.

>So where exactly do you draw the linem how much musclemass is too little and how much is too much? That's very arbitrary.

As long as you don't do steroids or spend literally all your time in the gym, you'll never reach a point were you look grotesque. Working out is good for you and unless you go full out autism at it, you probably won't overdo it.

so wrong holy shit

H-ha-ha s-so what I can break your anyways m-might is right

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