the next latin america
The next latin america
so what country will they be mass imigrating to
But nobody speaks bahasa melayu in Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina and Philippines
Us Filipinos aren't anything like Latin Americans though
you are literally the mexicans of asia
not linguistically, I meant more economically and development wise.
>of Asia
Yea, we're not Asia at all.
So what country is gonna force a drug war on them, install far right dictators, and pillage their resources forcing millions to emigrate and then complain about said immigrants who maintain their economy running?
Islander mexicans, asian mexicans, whatever. you are knock off sea mexicans.
probably china
China, but China is shitty enough that nobody would want to move there.
At least we look nothing like you
well yeah I just said you're knock off mexicans
China and Australia.
Who shall be the SE Asian Che Guevara?
ho chi minh
Me, but less communism and more Oceanic Empire.
Japan and South Korea
Don't insult yourself like that
Can’t wait to behead gringos again.
Which will be Brazil?
But the woman there is less attractive than latino
Which one is the most flamboyant?
My country shouldn't be included in that. There are no Latin American kingdoms with universal healthcare and advanced infrastructure.
I'd rather go to S'pore than the land of spiders.
>There are no Latin American kingdoms with universal healthcare and advanced infrastructure.
Yeah, maybe not kingdoms, but definitely democracies with universal healthcare
Mexicans are cool. I legit don’t even see it as an insult if people see Filipinos are
Mexican. Mexicans are based and hard working.
Malaysia ofc
Mao Zedong? Are you retarded? His entire book plagiarized mao.
They must not be very effective if they're not on this list.
Che is gay, Ho is great
damn good luck guys hope no one is the mexico
Who /YUH/ here?
We count to some extent.