British workers reject fruit-picking jobs as Romanians flown in

Why are Brits so lazy?

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Brexit means Brexit

Its backbreaking labour and minimum wage. If pay was commensurate to the strain of the work then maybe more would consider it.

>Its backbreaking labour and minimum wage.
Go to work pig

All these farms existed 20 years ago, before they could employ people from eastern Europe. Back then they had to pay more than minimum wage. It's just about suppressing wages

brexit means brexit la

Physically intensive labour for minimal pay isn't worth it for someone with the opportunities present in the UK.
Working as cab or bus driver or standing behind a desk occasionally greeting people are fine enough for them.
Besides none of them have any experience working on a farm unlike the seasoned seasonal workers. They'd probably have half the capacity on their first year so it doesn't make sense for the employers who will not rehire them next year.
Actually this is worse for the countries sending the workers because they risk the workers becoming infected on the job and bringing the virus back to their home country. After all, the virus is rampant in the UK while it hasn't impacted eastern Europe much.

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No, the eastern europeans can dig in the dirt for us.


If farms actually paid decent wages I think more people would be willing to give it a try but they don't.

They probably make horrible deals on purpose because they know if the british reject the offers they can just get third worlders to do it for pennys on the dollar

You need to apply for jobs, your highness. They're not going to drag you put of your home to do them.

Because they fly here to do it instead.

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why would you work for your own genocide?

Almost all shit jobs here are done by eastern europeans

t. worked in about 6 different factories

I've probably met more Romanians than an average Romanian

There's such a thing called economic viability. Past a point of complaining about wageslaving why don't you just grow your own food?

Oh they could pay more but these idiots prefer big corporations that pay them cents and then reselling 5 times more.

It's all about keeping the wages at minimum to maximize profits.
Standard of living of Western Euroshits is entirely dependant on slave labour of post-communist countries.
Without it the cost of living would increase, their purchasing power would decrease even further which in turn would simply make them poorer in relatinoship with other developed nations.

Westerners scream because immigrants are taking their jobs
But then not a single one of them wants to perform said jobs.
Westerns scream that they would happily take these jobs if the pay was larger
But then not a single one of them wants to pay out of pocket to compensate for the increase of labour costs
Westerners scream that immigrants are ghettoing themselves in poor parts of their cities
But then not a single one of them wants to rent to immigrants because it "drives their property values down"

Never listen to an opinion of a westerner. Like their media - they all have an agenda they never want to disclose to you. They're all virtue signalling trash.

Have you ever been given a job by just _waiting_ for it to land on your lap?

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It doesn't justify the easterners being fucking slaves willing to crawl in the dirt in UK or Germany. It's heavily dishonouring to a person.


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>If farms actually paid decent wages
That would make food expensive.
What do you think the average middle class sub/urbanite cares about more, eating out everyday or a economically well national working class?

Yes, but you're doing the same with Ukrainians

At deathbed
>God, am I glad I at least starved off with honor

This is why I voted Brexit

The government should be subsidising British workers so that they can do these jobs for decent pay and in decent conditions. The average Brit doesn't benefit from ex-soviet slave labour, no matter what the Guardian tries to tell you.

Instead of subsidizing, we should be sodomizing British workers. That is the only thing the Anglo ''''male''' is good for

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Mentality worth of a Mexican

Ukrainians were visibly reducing the growth of our wages.

Exactly. I work a backbreaking job but I make $23 an hour. You expect me to take a 10 dollar an hour pay cut to work on a farm? Not likely.

>e government should be subsidising British workers so that they can do these jobs for decent pay

yeah have a decent pay so that can be taxed to subsidize a decent pay

good plan

[This user was executed for this post]

You mean just Poles and Romanians. There are infact more Brazilians in UK than Russians lmao. Swedes, Russians, Danes largely don't move to your black shithole.

Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians, Lithuanians and Latvians. I don't know if Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians go to the UK.

don't they have people on welfare?
why don't they use those

We have many entitled and arrogant people i.e. brexit voters in this country

>There are infact more Brazilians in UK than Russians lmao.
A brazilian has visa-free entry to the entire EU.
A russian does not.

>Swedes, Russians, Danes largely don't move to your black shithole.
Neither Swedes nor Danes quality to the term of "eastern european" you dumb retard

so what, protestants love to work, it shouldn't matter the salary

Sweden and Denmark aren't in eastern europe my fat friend

People on welfare would rather not do anything and collect 1/2 the money then to do work and collect just a little more. I don’t blame them, fruit picking is a tough job for low pay.

it's simply economic agents reacting to incentives in a free market, you're being overly emotional

they are using people's lack of basic dignity to earn quick bux out of a half-slavery jobs. This is what I mean. First there should be something to stop the flow of eastern europeans, first would be the education that this is not right

just stop their welfare payments then if they refuse

no. all this does is depress wages and make elites profit more and more. it is explicitly against the average brit.

pretty sure they have to apply for jobs while they're on welfare unless they're a student or disabled. so they were probably refused or didn't apply to these particular jobs.

some Hungarians go to the UK to study or work in STEM, but most go to Germany or Austria, for obvious reasons

Same exact shit happens in the U.S. but 'pubicans and other farcical hypocrites will never admit the U.S. is wholly dependent on cheap, widely available immigrant back-breaking labor. Many of those flyover koch-brother style right wingto*ds literally making fortunes out of that system, yet are the ones bankrolling all their bullshit, two-faced """m-uh amerikak first""" politicians.

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Then they would rather not do anything and layabout, commit petty crime, or take part in some other society destructive or self destructive activities. Welfare supposed to be for rehabilitation and pacification.

Companies in the UK often just directly advertise these jobs in eastern Europe, going over the heads of everyone here.