
>Has had civilization for roughly 800 years
>Happiest country on earth

>Has had civilization for roughly 5000 years
>Utter shithole

What explains this?

Attached: 4BFAF496-9157-4031-8765-01ADFB3269DC.png (477x236, 10.62K)

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+1 if you would save Egypt before Finland.


fuck egypt and FUCK egyptians


>800 years

that's reaching, closer to 200 years

Excluding pyramids, that shithole and its people have nothing to offer

Wasn’t Turku founded in the 13th century?

The heat makes people angry and lazy

Finland is like the least happiest country in Northern Europe. People in Egypt are at least happy even if their conditions aren't as good. Third world countries are always like this. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

>>Happiest country on earth
lol, no.

I wouldn't even call Finland civilized nowadays

Children are happier than adults.

>Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Explain the angry right wingers in your violent thirdworld shithole.


Times change. Palaces crumble, ways are lost.

The name Turku comes from Slavic traders who settled there and traded with Finns. It's pre-Swedish probably by a few centuries.

high iq

The Gods of Ancient Egypt has punished the Islamist Egyptian for persecuting the Copts who's language is the closes we can get to ancient egyptian


Attached: Who Are the Happiest People in the World.png (1237x2817, 341.89K)


Fuck that shithole, God bless Binland

spamming culture has been nerfed in the recent patch

>>Has had civilization for roughly 5000 years
you're using the term 'civilization' VERY liberally there


first the Egyptian civilization was not as powerful and technologically advanced as we are trying to make us believe, then this civilization was strongly based on the harvesting of resources while Finland has an economy based on the transformation of materials, we call it added value and it requires a high IQ

Based jew

>who's language is the closes we can get to ancient egyptian
Don't they just speak Greek?

-1 love my finbros

still arabic penisula bedouins are found genetically closer to ancient egyptians than any other group
and both muslims and coptic christian believe in the same foreign god so

>that shithole and its people have nothing to offer
Wtf? I love Egypt now, they just like us!