does this happen to nazi racists in front of their girlfriends in your country?
Does this happen to nazi racists in front of their girlfriends in your country?
based negro
Why are wh*Te """men""" like this???
Talk shit, get hit.
Yes, it happens
Cuck black dick loving fag
>muh professional fighters
the average white is much weaker and feminine.
Why do you fags l
Spoope is a bum and has never fought a good fighter, stay in your lane cazzie
Beacuse American blacks are a different breed. West Africans who already have the most fast twitch muscle fibers of any men in the world and 10% higher bone density than any men in the world. Plus being slaves for 300-400 years. It creates super humans
I fucked my black tranny bitch up the ass yesterday lmfao and that's on God
Blacks are more likely to be transgender and can't grow body hair
I've beaten up 6 nogs in inner city Buffalo New York
Why the fuck would you need to be a superhuman to pick cotton you retard? That shit is so easy children can do it.
Based boga
neither of the people in the video are white. why do you have such disdain for black people?
You fucking losers have an inferiority complex towards white men. That's why you post this shit to feel better. You're obsessed with us.
Video with sound?
No, because Nazis here have the same skin color as the rest of us.
i'm not white, but damn, brown people are so insecure
You're a fucking idiot. Go back to Africa
>hurr durr that white skinned European isn't white
Fuck off and leave the white country that you are leeching off of.
never interacted with a black person
me on the left
Leave Europe you invader scumbag
actual cope from losers that are too lazy to work hard
White males in the US between 15 and 25 years of age are 3x more likely to commit suicide than males of any other race.
Sounds like you're projecting something.
If you go walking around in niggertown you deserve whatever happens.
Go suck more Paki dick you faggot
Imagine being this assblasted.
It's the opposite. How many blacks there are in Romania(or Bulgaria btw)? Almost none. OP is baiting insecure people like you.
If anything you're proving that people like you are indeed feminine
At least we are human beings unlike you brown ape. You are no different than a barnyard animal. Subhuman. Your kind have never created anything of worth.
what have you created or are you living on your worthy ancestors gibs while pretending to be superior and being a total genetic waste
The OP is Romanian and you are a Brazilian mutt. You are both brown cucks with an inferiority complex and obsession with whites so you live vicariously through cherrypicked videos of blacks. At the end of the day nonwhites were our bitches and we ruled the whole world.
you must be fun at parties
you appear to be upset
>we ruled the world
Sure thing ugly fatty.
Why are you spamming boxing clips? Did you know that the top 10 greatest boxers of all time are all brown?
>Suicide rates have increased most dramatically among young white men aged 15 to 24.
>The Centers for Disease Control recorded 47173 suicides in 2017, and there were an estimated 1.4 million total attempts. Many of society’s plagues strike heavier at women and minorities, but suicide in America is dominated by white men, who account for 70 percent of all cases.
>For example, white men—especially those aged 25-64—are at least twice as likely to take their own lives as men in every other racial group except Native Americans, who lag white men by about 15%. And white males, who make up about 30% of the population, account for nearly 70% of all suicides.
>Suicide is far more common among white men in the U.S., the same category of men who feel the world owes them a well-paying stable job, and the respect that comes with that. They have lost employment or face a personal stress, often divorce or estrangement from their families.
>More than half of the cases involved school or workplace shootings; the other 30 cases took place in locations including shopping malls, restaurants, and religious and government buildings. Forty-four of the killers were white males.
>The headlines have been filled in recent months and years with the stories of the few angry men, mostly younger white men, who carry out mass killings.
>Babies of color now outnumber non-Hispanic white babies, according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. The newest estimate shows that on July 1, 2015, the population of racial or ethnic minority babies was 50.2 percent.
>By around 2020, "more than half of the nation's children are expected to be part of a minority race or ethnic group," the Census Bureau says, putting Americans under the age of 18 at the front of a trend that will see the overall population follow suit some 20 years later.
>a mutt pretending to be the defender of whites
Who have you beaten up Romanian faggot? You are living vicariously through videos of blacks you found on the internet just cause you have an inferiority complex to Western Europeans. I lived in inner city Buffalo and beat multiple nogs in fights. I have a lot more accomplishments fighting wise than you do. You aren't even living through people who sare your DNA since Romanians aren't black. You're a pathetic scumbag trying to make white guys feel bad and look bad and then you turn around and play victim cause I called you out. Fuck off you little whiny ass black dick sucking bitch.
that last punch was perfect
Suicide is not a very significant cause of death. Heart disease is a much more frequent killer and it tends to target blacks.
Look at this Amerigoblo seething. Just accept your fate and have peace, dude. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
>based Dracula makes another baitpost
>suicidal lard with a trimmed tip spergs the fuck out
Never fails.
Post your brown slanted shit eyes, Chang.
Kill yourself brown ape. Only way you survive is with white tourism money.
why is this American seething?
It's over, bro. She's banging José tonight and Tyrone tomorrow. lol
this is pretty embarrassing, sorry for my flag Yas Forums
Says the Braziliam transgender manlet
How come Brazilians are so inferior to whites?
Muerte.... Vamos!
Cry some more mayocel.
>Jose tonight
Nobody wants a 5 4 manlet
Fyi your entire race was created by white guys fucking Amerindian women.KEK
this american is blowing the fuck out of you all pretty hard tbqh
golden one?
>My contribution to the race war? I posted webms of white people beating up black people on Yas Forums. Yes you can send my medal by mail that's fine.
Says the East Asian with a 4 inch dick
Rather eat mayonnaise than bats, cats, rats and dogs like you, freak. Learn to drive you vermin or better yet go back to your smoghole that you ran from to live around white people.