Is this Africa's version of jomon vs yayoi

Is this Africa's version of jomon vs yayoi

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Not all east Africans are lightbulb-headed Somalis.
Afars are easily the most aesthetic subsaharans.

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West Africans scare me. Not because of the stereotypes, but because it has been scientifically proven they on average have 10% higher bone density than everyone else


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The higher bone density in the world is found in white south africans.

Every single somali ive met has been a weird looking giant forehead looking nigga
Absolutely derpy looking mfs

I thought it was abbos.

East Africans have closer features to Whites other than some Somalian balloon heads. West Africans have that stereotypical wide nose and big lips.

Yes but not all east Africans are Somalis.

West africans were always the bulls of black people

I'm afraid I'll need to see females compared to make up my mind about which ones are better.

I want to believe you. Source?
Probably true but i don't ever think about them

Nilotics are more bullish.

both sides are ugly desu

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>t. Bert the 2 meter tall faggot

West Africans have the coolest phenotype
prove me wrong

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He's from South Sudan.

no lol
east africans literally gave this nation it's culture
ethiopia was the only cunt in africa not to be colonized by euros
we literally btfo the italicucks
also s*malis and er*treans do not count

Choose one

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What do you think of african americans?

If anything it was brownoids VS brownoids, you clearly won since you didn't have to move your soldiers

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Anyway, do the royals still have power in ethiopia?

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>BTFOs retarded bantus into oblivion
>entirety of west africa and europe is still seething about it

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This son of a bitch hasn't aged since 1994

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Muh dick

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Leave the west african problem to me

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Senegambians are the BVLLS of Africa.

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