Is it true that most of the achievements of the Islamic Golden Age was done by Persians, Berbers, and Turks i.e.non Arabs? Have the Arabs always been shit?
Is it true that most of the achievements of the Islamic Golden Age was done by Persians, Berbers, and Turks i.e...
No there were Arabs involved. Besides I never got why people are so butthurt over it. It's not like it's called the Arab Golden Age
>Islamic Golden Age
No such thing existed, it's anti white propaganda.
this is 19th century damascus
>da turks came and took away all our magic powers nigga and we became donkey fuckers living in mud huts!
>19th century
>Islamic golden age
Ok retard
should I post a picture of Detroit for you?
That’s not what i’m referring to, according to your post turks did something during the golden age, Wtf did they do?
By Islamic Golden Age, they are mostly talking about the time period before the siege of baghdad.
there's no pictures of the fucking 9th-10th century, 19th century is almost a thousand years of development.
if I took a picture of islamic cities in the 12th century you'd wonder if it's sub saharan africa.
any pictures of cities before westerners upgraded your mudhuts is equivelant pretty much how the places were in the """""golden age""""""
No retard, those cities has been demoted and rebuilt many times, Baghdad was completely burned to the ground then rebuilt
Just because you were snow niggers with no achievements what so ever when we were leading civilization doesn't mean that we didn't achieve anything g
>unironically giving (You)'s to a filthy kike
late 19th century tunis, tunisia
>Just because you were snow niggers with no achievements what so ever when we were leading civilization doesn't mean that we didn't achieve anything
da fucken white people colonized our countries and look what dey took away from us!
You took from us something way more important than some buildings. You took morals.
>da wite man took away morals from us!
The First Fitna (Arabic: فتنة مقتل عثمان fitnat maqtal ʻUthmān "strife/sedition of the killing of Uthman") was a civil war within the Rashidun Caliphate which resulted in the overthrowing of the Rashidun caliphs and the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty. It began when the caliph Uthman was assassinated by rebels in 656 and continued through the four-year reign of Uthman's successor, Ali. It ended in 661 when Ali's heir Hasan ibn Ali concluded a treaty acknowledging the rule of Muawiyah, the first Umayyad caliph.[1]
The roots of the civil war go back to the First Fitna. After the assassination of the third caliph Uthman, the Islamic community experienced its first civil war over the question of leadership, with the main contenders being Ali and Mu'awiya. Following the assassination of Ali in 661 and the abdication of his successor Hasan the same year, Mu'awiya became the sole ruler of the caliphate. Mu'awiya's unprecedented move to nominate his son, Yazid,
The Third Fitna (Arabic: الفتنة الثاﻟﺜـة, romanized: al-Fitna al-thālitha), was a series of civil wars and uprisings against the Umayyad Caliphate beginning with the overthrow of Caliph al-Walid II in 744 and ending with the victory of Marwan II over the various rebels and rivals for the caliphate in 747. However, Umayyad authority under Marwan II was never fully restored, and the civil war flowed into the Abbasid Revolution (746–750) which culminated in the overthrow of the Umayyads and the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate in 749/50. Thus a clear chronological delimitation of this conflict is not possible.[1]
The Fourth Fitna or Great Abbasid Civil War[1]
We wuz Romans n shieeeeeeet
The Abbasid civil war of 865–866, sometimes known as the Fifth Fitna,[1] was an armed conflict during the "Anarchy at Samarra" between the rival caliphs al-Musta'in and al-Mu'tazz, fought to determine who would gain control over the Abbasid Caliphate. The war, which lasted for about a year, largely revolved around a prolonged siege of Baghdad and ended with al-Mu'tazz as sole caliph. Al-Musta'in was abandoned by his supporters and forced to abdicate; in spite of a guarantee that his life would be spared, he was executed shortly afterward.
Homoerotic poetry appears suddenly at the end of the 8th century CE, particularly in Baghdad in the work of Abu Nuwas (756–814), who became a master of all the contemporary genres of Arabic poetry.[8][87] The famous author Jahiz tried to explain the abrupt change in attitudes toward homosexuality after the Abbasid Revolution by the arrival of the Abbasid army from Khurasan, who are said to have consoled themselves with male pages when they were forbidden to take their wives with them.[8] The increased prosperity following the early conquests was accompanied by a "corruption of morals" in the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina, and it can be inferred that homosexual practice became more widespread during this time as a result of acculturation to foreign customs, such as the music and dance practiced by mukhannathun, who were mostly foreign in origin.[5] The Abbasid ruler Al-Amin (809–813) was said to have required slave women to be dressed in masculine clothing so he could be persuaded to have sex with them, and a broader fashion for ghulamiyyat (boy-like girls) is reflected in literature of the period.[5] The same was said of Andalusian caliph al-Hakam II (915–976).
so who was romans if not Europeans?
You Islamic savages never had morals in the first place.
you will never be European
And? Because some degenerates existed means the whole nation are the same?
You can’t explain morals to a cuck woth no jealousy
romans are the white man who went on boats to take mena as vassals and plantations.
it was exclusively done by Persians.
though most of the work was just poetry and translations as science was punished by death in the Islamic world in that time.
Imperial Romans were heavily mixed with Nafris, Syrians, and Greeks. Sorry mutt your fantasies are just well fantasies
>implying i want to be a wh*Te
i did it
Why do you people love telling lies so much?
>Imperial Romans were heavily mixed with Nafris, Syrians, and Greeks. Sorry mutt your fantasies are just well fantasies
>science was punished by death
Bullshit, there were openly atheist philosophers, Google ابو العلاء المعري