China virus? more like Belgium virus

China virus? more like Belgium virus

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What is this. Did Trump use a percentage graph to try argue they're not doing that bad?

Don't you mean the mutt virus? The US the epicenter od the outbreak

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>check em

>millions of infected, thousand dying
>waste your time publicly shitting on China because they are allegedly lying

When did USA turn into a third-world tinpot dictatorship?

>When did USA turn into a third-world tinpot dictatorship?


the only legitimate argument against china is they haven't closed their bizarre eastern medicine wildlife industries yet
imagine thinking they would develop a bioweapon that kills 2% of those it infects and does nothing to young people in a laboratory somewhere

>When did USA turn into a third-world tinpot dictatorship?
The day JFK was assassinated

what the fuck is wrong with his hair? he barely looks human


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dios mio...

China lied, people died. I wonder if they can make a hashtag of that.

>is they haven't closed their bizarre eastern medicine wildlife industries yet
What you're referring to is already illegal. If China were able to somehow completely shut down the blackmarkets operating in their country, they'd probably be the first large society to ever pull it off.
The Chinese government hands out death sentences to people caught smuggling that sort of contraband. A few years back some chick caught smuggling a shitload of illegal poached elephant related goods, was handed a death sentence and it sparked outrage from the international community for "human rights" bullshit.

americans are using per capita as cope

It's amazing how far Trump will go to avoid taking any sort of responsibility whatsoever.

shud up gommie

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At this point i must assume he keeps the tan as some kind of signature

He's always been like this
He will tell a blatant lie for seemingly no reason, someone will point it out, then he'll say "Oh well that's just what someone told me"
He realized that all he has to do is constantly blame other people

per capita is the only smart way to compare countries that have vastly different population sizes.

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I don’t know how anyone could think he’s done an adequate job of handling this

>per capita is fine when it suits our argument
>per capita is wrong when it makes us look BAAAD

Why are Eurangutans like this?

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that's completely retarded, no matter how large a country's population is will always be much more difficult to contain a disease that has spread to 700k people compared to containing a disease that has spread to a few thousands.
this is just a desperate cope that will not solve anything.

>3 true statements from WHO
One is actually report of a Chinese paper because they couldn't/didn't want to find evidence.

Second is true since they are more effective in preventing spread outside of the most expensive ones. That's why "necessarily" is there.

Third is true as shown by actual scientific papers on that going through previous epidemics. USA blocked travel so fast yet it's still rife with coronavirus.

literally nobody in Europe is talking about per capita, it's only a thing since Americans started going on and on about it.

that's exactly what trump is doing right now

never knew CCP were this based

is that a spray-tan? You can see where he puts the shower cap on

Belgium and Sweden just want to try herd immunity. Give em chance. (Also prepare the nuke arsenal if anything goes fail)

are people saying that about leaders from other countries with higher death rates?

Bullshit Euros always bring this up.
>we have more nobel prizes
>hurr muh per capita
>we have more money
>hurr muh per capita
>we're the best at the olympics
>durr muh per capita
Every time

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Yeah, it's a spay-tan. There very popular in America.

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that is so fucking stupid I don't even know where to start

>America doesn't even count most of its corona numbers (and they are already at 800.000)
>also most Americans with Corona are too afraid to even get in a clinic, because its going to cost a fucking ton (and might end up costing your job)
>belgium on the other hand is a first world nation and counts everything + healthcare

>indo education

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>we don't even count all the cases despite having the most cases
Jesus Germans are retarded

relax guys, relax

that doesn't answer the question

a lion's mane...

>cost a fucking ton
it's free for corona shit