Based sweden

based sweden

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they are just testing well

germanic hands typed this post

sure sis

Quarantine? Never heard of her

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my cover is blown. fitta

You better believe it.

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Fucking stuck-up idiots.

We are just killing some somalis, nothing to see here

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>the times
sure sis

My estimate is 20 million deaths in Sweden, We probably have 10 million dead already.

t. armchair epidemiologist

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there is no universe in which such a wonderful event happens

Kinda messed up how the right-wing started loving Tegnell once it came out that 700+ of the Corona deaths in Stockholm were MENA immigrants

why does it affect mena immigrants so? its not like theyre out on the streets, surely

>Kinda messed up how the right-wing started loving Tegnell once it came out that 700+ of the Corona deaths in Stockholm were MENA immigrants
They're just trying to cope with the fact that they have completely lost control of the situation.

According to Tegnell
>severe lack of vitamin-D, this has been talked a lot about in Sweden even before this Corona shit started
>they live in tight spaces in their segregated ghettos or communities which means it spreads faster
>they touch each other more and kiss each other on the cheeks and hug when they greet
>different ideas about hygiene
>higher rates of asthmatics
>almost 3 times more obesity than ethnic Swedes according to FHM
>more smokers
>lack of information because we didn't translate the warnings into Somali and Arabic at first. many of them don't speak Swedish

The situation is very much under control at this point though. We're in a plateau phase when it comes to deaths and the ICU is freeing up beds

The right-wing haven't been in power for over 8 years so they're just enjoying blaming this on the left which might be a bit fair but it's still kinda messed up. It's like
>yeah LMAO all the darkies are dying
>also why r u leftist letting the darkies die that's morally wrong


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They are about to hit herd immunity. Everyone else will be in lockdown for 2 years while Sweden walks it off.

do you form your worldview on 4channel?

>They are about to hit herd immunity
bullshit herd immunity would take awhile mate

Pfft no I'm not a retard. I form it on Flashback forum

There is no immunity you retard. There are people who have gotten it twice.

>Sweden's unemployment still way higher than Finland and Denmark's mid-lockdown
All according to the plan. Global recession is no challenge for the Swedish economy.

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>reinfection means no immunity

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5000 Swedes WILL
It is written in the stars, it's just pure math basically. You can't contest it no. No, no no.

>1 Swedish crown is worth more than 1 Norwegian crown right now
hehe nothing personell kid

It means you are not immune.

If you are immune, it means you can't get reinfected. That's what immunity means.

Nah Tegnell said it ain't so. Tegnell has full immunity already

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>if one person gets reinfected means immunity not possible

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Take your meds

The Korean results are extremely dubious

The herd gang brit from march is back
herd=does not work
we must change our policies from mitigation to elimination
no one should have to die

Herd immunity would need around 70% of the population catching and recovering from the disease to happen, which in Sweden case would mean 7 million recovered.

Sweden is 1% of the way there
it's not too late to lock down and go for elimination

That's fantastically low if true. That means we flattened the curve exactly the perfect amount so that we have the capacity to deal with all the cases that require hospitalization and are done with the outbreak as soon as possible. Norway and Denmark are the real fucking retards. The virus isn't going to disappear if you stay indoors long enough. Everyone will get it eventually unless a highly unlikely vaccine would magically appear. Flattening the curve too much like they're doing is only going to have negative consequences on their economy. It won't save lives.

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Sssh just let them die pointlessly.

>Anders himself is shilling and defending his strategy on Yas Forums
Based Tegnell never backing down

Most people that get it never get any symptoms. 70% of Icelands population already has the virus but nearly nobody knows that they have it.


I wish we had such a based medical officer.