¿Why is the english level of everybody you in this forum so good? ¿Where do you learn that good english...

¿Why is the english level of everybody you in this forum so good? ¿Where do you learn that good english? You are teachers or

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Git gud and lurk moar, Jorge.

javier porfavor
porque teines chicle in tu cerebro

We spent a lot of time on the English internet since the early age, plus consooming a lot of movies, TV series and music in English

>he didn't spend every waking minute between ages 7 and 14 watching Cartoon Network
poor soul

what a shitty childhood for sure

>my mom and dad taught me

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actually I caught the golden age of CN so I feel privileged
>Ed Edd n Eddy
>Samurai Jack
>Dexter's Lab
>Powerpuff Girls
>Johnny Bravo

English lessons on elementary school, then shitposting on Yas Forums during my teens, then getting a job at a call center to fine tune it.

for me it was card games forums and playing them as a kid, taught me english but made me an autist lol

Don't forget Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

stop consuming our non culture.

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oh there's a ton more that I'm missing. Now I'm reminded of Sheep in the big city, too

That show taught kids how to be utter fucking retards.

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this board is just foreign service officers and ambassadors larping

Necisitas usar ingles en videojuegoes, tv, y otros algos


oh shit Courage was the bomb too
>The Tower of Dr. Zalost

>american animes

english is piss easy

>Yes i spent 8 hours a day playing Runescape from age 7 and up

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I know the French are super proud about their animation but it just didn't air here. The only one I've seen was Totally Spies (jerked off like a mofo to that one). The rest was French Canadian shit

I know that I commite a lot of mistakes but at least people here understand me.
I had a good English teacher when I was young.
I consume a lot of anglo media.
And also I use Google Translator for help.
Just use a translator, Manolo. It will even help you to improve.

For me it was Age of Empires


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I started learning english by looking on the internet for porn.

I watched a lot of 90s action movies with no subs. I also used to talk absolute gibberish with the neighbour's kid.

Based bulgar

>And also I use Google Translator for help.
use deepl

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You learn by talking, user. Yas Forums is a good place to start

What the fuck, there were no subtitles on CN. That is not a way of learning a language to a good level. Or did you cable operator have subs?

I learned when I had access to interesting content in English combined with a dictionary - on a computer. Also English is learned in most school, you will not learn grammar from cartoons.

You ever notice he fucks up the Spanish in some of his songs? Like that one song he says invitación extraño and I can't remember any other examples but I think there are some. I always wondered if it was on purpose or just nobody had the heart to tell him it was wrong. And I learned the word joto from him.