Japan has closed borders for tourists from America and Europe

>Japan has closed borders for tourists from America and Europe
>There are no more cute foreign boys walking around my city
I am hating this virus

Attached: 137904_FozCyRbM.png (600x600, 67.31K)

Would people think I'm cute in Japan?

Attached: download20200302194010.png (600x600, 85.27K)


I do not like bald but other people maybe

What is your biological sex?

I'm still here

Kill yourself ugly fat faggot

Yeah, no.

Go home pedo

I am girl

You are not cute and funny faggot kys stop spamming your cringe gay posts

Does anyone have that link to create the avatars

Attached: big poopy.png (600x600, 129.21K)

You don’t look like that animated girl

>>Japan has closed borders for tourists from America and Europe
>>There are no more cute foreign boys walking around my city
>I am hating this virus

Attached: typical ytoid.jpg (676x351, 62.17K)

Would you wear a cute high school uniform for a handsome gaijin

>Would you wear a cute high school uniform for a handsome gaijin

Attached: gaijin.jpg (274x321, 30.62K)


Attached: download20200206114136.png (600x600, 100.48K)

My high school boyfriend enjoyed to fuck me in such uniform


What country would people assume I’m from if I went to Japan?

Attached: 08ED5EF0-7050-4802-82EF-1CAB19B8BF40.jpg (1242x2208, 252.23K)

Mon Dieu…



I am cute in Japan

Attached: 15BC2593-73AD-4F51-95CA-890851F6AEF7.png (600x600, 127.22K)


>I am girl

Attached: 1584158113439.png (277x271, 7.64K)

Central Asia

Mein Gott ... die Kreatur

Attached: thumb_le-56-face-amerimutt-la-creatura-el-50488497.png (300x400, 20.69K)


Attached: a2156340150_10.jpg (1200x1200, 178.94K)

Fuck I wish I was born nipponese

Davito-kun, is that you?
