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Good guys BTFO

See I did dirt, put in work, and many niggas can vouch that
So since I got stripes, I got the right to rap about that

exactly same as you have to be 6'3 ft meme

god thats hot

you better have your paperwork ready you fucking chomo. you better put in some work for your race killing these black niggers on the yard. not racist by the way.


Based Eazy-Finn

Come on whiteboys. Let's ice these fools

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Women hate weakness

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Imagine the kind of trainwreck that actually wants a tattooed criminal for a husband. The kind that ends up a single mom.

How do I make myself look strong, despite being weak?

I see this kind of stuff posted online, but it's in chat boards filled with lonely, angry men seething about life

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Not all criminals are brainlets. Take your entire country for example. Murdered and plundered hundreds of nations, and yet here you are

get a tattoo

I move my books off the bed and then get into it

Don't you think it would be cringe for a beta-looking guy to have a tattoo?
it wouldn't look like this guys that make superhero tattoos?

pop xanax and go clubbing

Society has become trash

Of course it would look stupidly out of place

>duuuuude ink lmao

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you can be the best version of yourself all you want
in the end your girlfriend/wife would spread her legs in a second if a black ex-convict with tattoos stood in front of her
that's a fact and deep down you know it


why do you suggested it then?
The Rus' vikings had tattoos though

*how metalheads get ready for bed

>The Rus' vikings


god I wish that were me

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lose a fight that she doesn't see
girls hit on me more when I had bruises and cuts on me from getting beaten up

why? because women no longer stay silent about their social conditioning? be real, I'm sure you aren't turned on by the innocent chick in your classroom either, but rather by the baddest chick in there. it's the same for women

Nice guys fuck other nice guys. Roasties just be seething

you mean the extremely narrow portion of society you are exposed to through the internet?

Rather the one interested in me.

I can just myself 'accidentally' with something and claim I've been in a fight (and won of course)

cut myself*


Get in SHAPE

I can't get a tattoo because I have psoriasis

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I like both